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4 Results
Amazon Details Reasoning For Lost Ark's June Delay, Removes Stat-Fueled Cosmetic Microtransactions

Amazon delayed the June update for Lost Ark to the end of the month, stating that it was revisiting the update after concerns over microtransactions that had been planned. The team took to the official site to explain in more detail this week, announcing it's removing its problematic Yoz's Jar cosmetic system.

Guild Wars 2's June Studio Update Talks Strike Missions, Making Raids More Accessible

In a rather large post on the Guild Wars 2 website, the team at ArenaNet broke down some of the upcoming content and changes to the MMO, honing in on Strike missions, raids, and tech improvements.

Lost Ark Delays June Update, Cites Playerbase Concerns With Monetization And More

Amazon and Smilegate RPG's next update for Lost Ark was due out tomorrow, but the team has delayed the update to the end of the month. Lost Ark's developers are citing concerns by players regarding monetization and "related systems."

Ship of Heroes Shares June Progress Report

The upcoming superhero MMORPG Ship of Heroes has published their June 1 Progress Report that gives players an update as to how development is progressing.