Chronicles of Elyria's latest fireside chat on Discord was an interesting one, with the company's developer talking timelines, internships, development on Kingdoms of Elyria, and even taking a shot at media coverage.
In the latest journal by Soulbound Studios owner Jeromy "Caspian" Walsh, the financial numbers have been detailed in what appears to be a lengthy list of expenses.
The money has been spent, the game is veritably nonexistent, and yet, the developer still has the audacity to talk about the future, after fleecing so many over a promise that will never materialize. Chronicles of Elyria, Kingdoms of Elyria, and projects like it must end now!
It's been a minute since the previous update in the ongoing lawsuit regarding Chronicles of Elyria developers Soulbound Studios, Xsolla, and consumers. Just yesterday, however, an update was posted in the lawsuit's Discord channel notifying us of the next step in the process.