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Ashes of Creation Dev Stream shows off the Py'Rai and Goes Deep into the Animal Husbandry System

Ashes of Creation dev stream goes into a deep dive on the upcoming animal husbandry system and shows off the brand new reworked Py'Rai race art.

Ashes of Creation Stream Reveals the Vek, New Race Art, Talks Growth and Plans for Alpha 2

Ashes of Creation's latest dev update stream revealed the Vek and new race art, talked studio growth, and plans for alpha 2.

Ashes of Creation Interview with Steven Sharif: 'This Will Be One of the Largest and Most Successful MMOs'

The past 6 years have been pretty wild for Intrepid Studios, with their flagship title, Ashes of Creation, pushing through the different stages of development. With Alpha 2 on the horizon, and their recent transition from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5, there is plenty to get excited about when it comes to Ashes of Creation. Shortly after the announcement of the UE5 transition, we sat down with creative director, Steven Sharif, to talk about the advancements the game has made, how the outloo

Ashes of Creation Team Adds Senior Narrative Designer Wynne McLaughlin

Ashes of Creation has a new Senior Narrative Designer in Wynne McLaughlin, former lead writer and narrative designer on Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Ashes of Creation Posts August Development Update

If you're an Ashes of Creation fan anxiously awaiting developmental updates, then you just happen to be in luck. An hour and a half long update from Creative Director Steven Sharif, and Community marketing Lead Margaret Krohn has a ton of information surrounding the progress made throughout August, and what we can look forward to in the near future.

Ashes of Creation's Creative Director Explains What He Thinks Gets Players Hyped

A recent thread on Reddit questioning why players are hyped for Ashes of Creation saw a bevy of answers as to why the players are excited for the upcoming MMORPG. However, a telling response from Ashes of Creation's own Steven Sharif detailed why he thinks players are hyped, and he lashed out at those that spread lies about his past with a Multi-Level Marketing company.

Ashes of Creation June Alpha One Test Delayed, Cites Other MMO Launches, More For Delay

Ashes of Creation's upcoming NDA-less Alpha One test was scheduled to take place on June 1st and run the whole month, however in an update Intredpid Studios has announced that the test will be delayed into July.

Ashes of Creation's Combat Revamp Won't Complete Until After Alpha One

Ashes of Creation's (AoC) creative director, Steven Sharif, took to Reddit today to answer some questions about the combat revamp that was originally slated for a March Alpha One Preview Test. The revamp is meant to make combat more fluid, although Sharif indicates that the final form of combat may still change as AoC's development continues.

Ashes of Creation Shows Off Alpha Gameplay in Latest Dev Stream

In the latest Developer Stream, Ashes of Creation's Steven Sharif shows off the progress Intrepid Studios has made.

Ashes of Creation Developer Intrepid Studios is Hiring

Intrepid Studios, the developers behind the upcoming MMORPG Ashes of Creation, is hiring. Here are the details if you're looking to apply.

Ashes of Creation's Steven Sharif Clarifies a Few Points on Cosmetics and Monthly Costs

In a lengthy and informative post by Creative Director of Ashes of Creation, Steven Sharif, a talk of cosmetic variations and Intrepid's outlook on monetization was in full focus.

Intrepid Studios is Hiring for Systems, Combat and Quest Designers

Intrepid Studios have posted several new job opportunities that include a Senior Combat Designer, a Senior Systems Designer and more for their upcoming game Ashes of Creation.

Ashes of Creation Creative Director's Letter Looks Forward to 2021

In the latest letter from Ashes of Creation Creative Director Steven Sharif, he takes a a look back at 2020 and the progress the game has made, with a steely eye towards the progress the team intends to make in 2021.

Following Ashes of Creation's Pretest, Steven Sharif Talks Potentially Opening up Alpha 1 Sales Again

Intrepid Studios ran a 4-day pretest last week for Ashes of Creation where thousands of players took part in testing the game in a limited capacity ahead of the Alpha 1 test that is planned for April. Creative Director Steven Sharif popped into the forums to talk about whether Alpha 1 access will be purchasable again, and why the Alpha Pretest was important in that decision.

Ashes of Creation is Hiring - Again

In a not-so-subtle tweet, Intrepid Studios blasted the horn that they are hiring for Ashes of Creation, and the available positions range from art and design, all the way to producers in both the US and EU regions. The team is also looking for community managers geared towards French, German and Russian languages.