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140 Results
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Interview Paints Clearer Picture of What's Next

Pantheon: Rise Of The Fallen has been in development now for several years and Visionary Realms recently completed their Pre-Alpha 5 "Shake-Out" sessions. The October Producer's Letter and an interview with Producer Ben "Machail" Dean by content creator Nathan NAPALM released over the past week gives a clearer idea of what's next for PA5 and Pantheon's further development.

RuneScape - Interview With Lead Developer David Osborne

Recently we had the chance to sit down and talk to RuneScape's lead developer, David Osborne, about the challenges, as well as the bright spots of building an MMO for 20 years.

V4 - Syllunas Beckons - An interview with NAT Games

Recently we had the chance to sit down with NAT Games to talk about their recently released Mobile/PC MMO Victory Four, or V4 for short.

CCP's Hilmar Petursson Talks Eve Echoes, Iceland's Gaming Scene

Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO of EVE Online developer CCP Games, recently sat down with Country Reports to discuss EVE Echoes, and Iceland's gaming scene.

Fractured Interview Sheds Details on Player Cities, PvP, and More

In a recent live stream with YouTuber Morrolan, Dynamight Studios CEO Jacopo Gallelli sat down for a lengthy interview touching a range of topics from mechanics, to the various systems involved in Fractured.

Grounded: An Interview with Groundeds Game Director Adam Brennecke

Obsidian's Honey I Shrunk the Kids-esque survival title Grounded recently released as a preview on Xbox Game Pass and Early Access on Steam. The team at Obsidian was kind enough to answer some questions about the game as it stands today, as well as some upcoming additions fans can look forward to in this unique, stylistic take on the survival genre.

A Conversation With Warframe's Senior Producer Dave Kudirka

A day before Tennocon 2020, I had a chance to sit down with the Senior Producer of Warframe, Dave Kudirka, over Zoom to ask him a few questions about the new update Heart of Deimos. While some of my questions were answered during Tennocon Live, there were a lot of tidbits I discovered during the interview that are very exciting. The new update comes out on all platforms on August 25, 2020.

Ashes of Creation's Steven Sharif Provides Additional Game Info on Streamer's Live Stream

Steven Sharif of Ashes of Creation dropped by Summit1g's stream over the weekend and provided us some additional new information on the game.

World of Warcraft's Ion Hazzikostas Talks Conduits and More in Interview

A recent interview with World of Warcraft's Ion Hazzikostas has provided some additional information on Conduits and more.

Ashes of Creation's Creative Director Interview Touches on Servers, Housing, More

A recent interview with Ashes of Creation's Creative Director, Steven Sharif, talks servers, housing, and more.

New World Gameplay Video Showcases War Mode

A new 16 minute video showcases some War Mode PvP gameplay from New World.

Interview: Just How Does The Outer Worlds Fare on Nintendo Switch?

We recently had the opportunity to interview Obsidian about the Switch version of The Outer Worlds. Our discussion ranged from how the team was utilizing the Switch's unique features, to what being a recently-minted Xbox Games Studio team means to them.

Guild Wars 2 Dev Talks Past and Future

Speaking with The Gaming Ground, Andrew Gray waxed nostalgic on Guild War 2's past and commented on the ways that they defied expectations in the MMO market when it launched in 2012. Andrew mentioned that there is plenty left to the Icebrood Saga and that "right now, the team is focused 100% on the development of the third Guild Wars 2 expansion."

World of Warcraft Lead Encounter Designer, Morgan Day, Talks Covenant Utility and More in Interview

Lead Encounter Designer on World of Warcraft, Morgan Day, was interviewed on a live stream with Preach about the upcoming Shadowlands expansion, including discussion on Covenant Utility and more.

Path of Exile Interview Shares Details on Creating Concept Art

A new interview with Path of Exile Concept Artist Shaun Brown goes into the behind the scenes of the concept art process and more.