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World of Warcraft's Ion Hazzikostas Reveals More Info About Legendaries in Patch 9.1

If you've had questions on Legendaries in patch 9.1, World of Warcraf'ts Ion Hazzikostas may have some answers. In a recent interview, he discussed several details, including whether or not you can refund Legendaries.

New Swords of Legends Online Interview Talks Leveling, Class Areas and Endgame

In a new interview, Gameforge is pullin the veil back a bit on the upcoming MMORPG, Swords of Legends Online. In the interview, the team talks a bit about leveling, endgame and how class areas work.

Playable Worlds Talks Building A Cloud-Native MMO In New Interview

In a new interview, Playable Worlds' Raph Koster and Eric Goldberg talk about the MMORPG their studio is building, specifically how they are working towards creating a "cloud-native" MMO for the future.

Interview: Talking Neverwinter's Sharandar Episode 2 'The Soul Keeper' With Senior Game Designer Noah Holmes

Neverwinter is set to release Sharandar's second episode: The Soul Keeper soon, and with it comes a new Heroic Encounter named Waking Nightmares. In this new encounter, players will work together to free trapped adventurers from a swarth of undead before facing off with The Keeper of Nightmares. This time we sat down with Noah Holmes, Senior Game Designer of Neverwinter, to hear more about this encounter and the planning process behind these events.

Crowfall's Release Is 'Very Close,' According To New Developer Interview

In an interview with MassivelyOP, Crowfall's Creative Director J. Todd Coleman stated that the beta MMO is "very close" to launch this year, stating that the team has transitioned mostly from adding new things to the MMO to bug fixes and polish.

Last Epoch Interview Discusses Potential Console Port, Multiplayer, More

Last Epoch Game Director, Judd Cobler, recently discussed potential console ports, multiplayer, and more in an interview with SegmentNext.

Companions, Deadlands And Avoiding Formulaic Updates - An Interview With Elder Scrolls Online's Creative Director

The Elder Scrolls Online is returning to familiar places with this year's update, but with some new features to go with them. We spoke to Rich Lambert about the companion system, as well as how the team avoids being seen as formulaic now that a release cadence has really been set in stone throughout the years.

FFXIV Interview Gives Insight Into Evolution of Lodestone

A new interview with Final Fantasy XIV Web Director Hiroyuki Takachi gives us a behinds the scenes look at what goes on in upkeeping Lodestone.

MapleStory - Interview With The Global MapleStory Production Team

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with the Global Production team. Bringing years of talent and experience to the MMO genre, the team had some great insight to share. So grab that coffee, kick back and enjoy our interview with the Global Production Team for MapleStory.

Interview - Chronicles of Elyria's Jeromy Walsh Talks Communication And The MMO's Future

To say Chronicles of Elyria has had an up and down year is, well, selling the description short. As 2020 comes to a close, Soulbound Studio's CEO Jeromy Walsh sat down in an interview with MMORPG to discuss the situation surrounding his game and studio, and where they plan on taking the MMO moving forward.

Final Fantasy XIV Interview Gives Behind the Scenes Insight into Level Design

A recent Final Fantasy XIV interview gives us some behind the curtains insight into level design featuring Lead Level Designer Arata Takahashi.

Warhammer Odyssey Developer Interview - State of the MMO And Its Future

With the start of the winter season James York, co-founder of Virtual Realms, is back to answer more questions about the upcoming Warhammer: Odyssey Mobile MMORPG. In this interview round we ask questions about character advancement, party/raid size and the state of the game.

Final Fantasy XIV Interview: Naoki Yoshida Talks About the Pandemic, Lore, How to Grind Crafting, and More

On the heels of one of FFXIV's most praised content drops, we talked to its director about lore crafting, craft-crafting, mahjong, and plenty more.

Microsoft's Phil Spencer says Xbox Can't Influence Bethesda's Direction - Yet

Several weeks ago, we reported on the humongous news that Bethesda Softworks was set to be acquired by Microsoft, which made headlines throughout the gaming community. While the sale still isn't final, Microsoft's head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, divulges in a recent Gamereactor interview, that not only is he not currently sitting down with Todd Howard and talking their future, but that doing so would be illegal.

Ship of Heroes Interview Talks Toxicity and More

A new interview with Casey McGeever, Founder & CEO of Heroic Games - the developers behind Ship of Heroes - has provided us a look behind the curtain in MMO game development, discussing topics like toxicity and more.