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140 Results
Interview: Talking Music And Gaming With Dragonforce's Marc Hudson

Earlier this year, Scott had the chance to chat with Dragonforce's Marc Hudson about music, gaming, and how the band blends the two.

Summoner's War Chronicles Interview With Executive Producer Eunjae Lee

Summoner's War: Chronicles recently released on mobile as well as PC, and we had the chance to speak to Com2us' Eunjae Lee, executive producer on the MMORPG in an email interview and about the MMO, its future and more.

Interview: Talking Black Desert's Abyss One With Jesse Joo

Earlier this week, Pearl Abyss launched a brand new type of instanced adventure for Black Desert Online called Abyss One: The Magnus. In order to learn a little bit more about the upcoming content and background of The Magnus, we had the opportunity to interview Head Game Designer Jesse Joo.

Fallout 76: Talking The Pitt With Design Director Mark Tucker

Fallout 76 released its long-awaited expansion, The Pitt, earlier this month. We had the chance to chat with Mark Tucker from the F76 team to discuss the expedition update, as well as some of the reasons behind why they chose Pittsburgh for the setting.

World of Warcraft's Cross Faction Guilds Are Coming, Possibly By The Next Expansion

In a recent interview with World of Warcraft's Ion Hazzikostas, the developer states that cross-factions guilds are something that Blizzard wants to do, and they could be coming rather soon.

LotRO Devs Talk Housing Updates In New Interview, Confirms Next Neighborhood Is Neither Human Or Dwarf

In a new interview, LotRO's dev team talked housing, specifically the future of the feature, improvements to the housing system, and teased what the next neighborhood won't be in Middle-earth.

Interview: Talking Drakania Awakening With Black Desert's Jesse Joo

Last week, the Drakania class unleashed its awakening form on the world of Black Desert Online. To further dive into the details of the new class specialization, and learn a little bit about recent changes and what the MMORPG has in store for its players, MMORPG.com had the opportunity to interview Head of Game Design Jesse Joo.

Flyff Universe Interview: Bringing The Anime MMO Back To Its Fans

Just over a month ago, Flyff returned to our screens with a new, revitalized incarnation of the iconic anime MMO. Ed had the chance to speak to the CEO of Sniegu Technologies, the lead dev on Flyff Universe, to talk about the MMO.

Interview: Chatting Medleyfaire And New World's New Music System With Amazon Game Studios

The upcoming July update of New World brings with it one of the MMO's most interesting additions yet: musical instruments. We chatted with Amazon Game Studios about the faire and the addition of the instrument mechanic, as well as dove in ourselves on the PTR to perform some songs of our own.

Diablo Immortal Interview: Chatting With Joe Grubb And Rod Ferguson Ahead Of Launch

It's been a little over three years since Diablo Immortal was first announced at the 2018 BlizzCon opening ceremonies. Since then, it has gone through many changes, and Immortal is finally launching this week on June 2nd. Robin chatted with the devs to talk about launch and some of the challenges facing Blizzard with Immortal

Interview: Chatting Lost Ark with Community Manager Roxanne (Roxx) Sabo

PAX East for Anthony was busy to say the least, so for his final interview at the packed event was a laid back conversation with the Community Manager of Lost Ark, Roxanne Sabo, also known as Roxx! Enjoy this light-hearted chat on how Roxx became the community manager of Lost Ark and what she really enjoys about the job and the community!

The Minds Behind the Elder God Wars: An Interview with RuneScape's Tim Fletcher and Matt Casey

This month Emily had the opportunity of sitting down with Tim Fletcher and Matt Casey from Jagex to talk a little bit about the Elder God Wars, a story that has been taking shape over the past 12 months for RuneScape adventurers. Check out this 'reality shattering' interview!

PAX East 2022: Talking Final Fantasy 14 Raiding With Prolific Raider Rin Karigani

At PAX East, Anthony was able to sit down with many players and talk MMOs. One player, popular raider Rin Karigani, was able to chat to Anthony about the newest raid in FFXIV, as well as high-level raiding in general.

PAX East 2022: Interview With Black Desert Online's Executive Producer Jaehee Kim

At PAX East, Anthony had the chance to meet up with Black Desert Online Executive Producer Jaehee Kim and talk all things Mountain of Eternal Winter and the recent Drakania class.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Round Table Interview

Earlier this week, the future of both retail and Classic WoW was revealed. We had the chance to sit down with the World of Warcraft team to chat Wrath of the Lich King Classic.