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123 Results
Indie MMO Spotlight: So Long Zenith

This week, Corepunk delays its server wipe, Dreamworld prepares for a limited Steam build test, and Zenith pushes out its final content update.

Indie MMO Spotlight: Beta Recaps All Around!

This week, BitCraft shares a post Beta video, Nightingale shares a Realms Rebuilt trailer, and Zenith pushes its final content update to the Public Test Realm.

Indie MMO Spotlight: Grab A Free Week Of Fractured Online

This week, Fractured Online celebrates The Hunt update with a free-to-play week, Corepunk has a rough week that ends with a server wipe, and Ember Sword moves to Mantle.

Indie MMO Spotlight: A Fractured Online Trial and Steam Gets a Bad Dream

This week, Dreamworld comes to Steam, Fractured Online entices guilds with a new trial, and RotMG celebrates the Month of the Mad God.

Indie MMO Spotlight: Community Is What Makes An Indie MMO

This week, Broken Ranks recaps their annual TaernCon, Corepunk is looking for content creators, and Spellfarers joins our list as it prepares for Early Access.

 Indie MMO Spotlight: 3 Years And Counting

This week, Palia was acquired by Daybreak Games, Soul Kingdoms looked back at its development history, and Broken Ranks prepared for a mobile test.

Indie MMO Spotlight: Let's Get Visual

This week, Anvil Empires and Valorbound discuss visual upgrades, Coreborn goes full release, and a pair of superhero MMOs get dev updates.

Indie MMO Spotlight: Read The ToS!

Each week we scour the internet for all things Indie MMO-related so you don't have to. Check out this edition of the Indie MMO Spotlight.

Indie MMO Spotlght: $DREAD Is #DEAD

This week, Britaria becomes the next indie MMO project to die on the vine in 2024 while Ember Sword tries to keep the crypto game concept alive. Plenty of other stuff is also going on, so let's quit wasting time and get started with this week's Indie MMO Spotlight.

Indie MMO Spotlight: It's Token Time!

This week, Ember Sword talks economy, Corepunk has a horrible Alpha Test, and Zenith: Nexus readies Season 3.

Indie MMO Spotlight: That Time Of The Month

This week, everyone posted their monthly dev update, Nightingale went offline, and a solo developer calls it quits.

Indie MMO Spotlight: Is Palia The Next Indie MMO To Fall?

This week, Palia cuts its staff by 40%, while Monsters & Memories and The Qunifall prepare for upcoming tests.

Indie MMO Spotlight: The Wagadon't Chronicles

This week, The Wagadu Chronicles is shutting down, Coreborn announces server wipes, and demons invade Fractured Online.

Indie MMO Spotlight: Betas Come And Betas Go

This week, the Cyber Immortals Android test is underway while BitCraft's Alpha 1 comes to an end, Oath Games acquires struggling MMO Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore, and A Township Tale adds and then quickly removes a new feature.

Indie MMO Spotlight: Another One Bites The Dust

This week, Genfanad stops development, BitCraft explains skill progression, and Mad World celebrates its one-year anniversary.