Hail, Tenno! Warframe's Heart of Deimos launches today on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
A day before Tennocon 2020, I had a chance to sit down with the Senior Producer of Warframe, Dave Kudirka, over Zoom to ask him a few questions about the new update Heart of Deimos. While some of my questions were answered during Tennocon Live, there were a lot of tidbits I discovered during the interview that are very exciting. The new update comes out on all platforms on August 25, 2020.
It looks like Warframe's digital convention, TennoCon 2020, broke records on Steam for concurrent users. Here's how it breaks down.
Revealed at Tennocon 2020, Aaron takes you through some of what is coming with Heart of Deimos, Warframe's next major update.