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65 Results
Guild Wars 2 is Going Spooky With the Return of Shadow of the Mad King

Guild Wars 2 Halloween event, Shadow of the Mad King is returning with all of its events, candy, prizes and more. Plus, a special XP bonus.

Halloween Arrives in EVE Echoes Crimson Harvest Event

Halloween has arrived in EVE Echoes has the Crimson Harvest event leads the charge.

Astellia Hosting Halloween Screenshot Contest

Halloween festivities continue across the industry and in MMOs. The folks behind Astellia are hosting a Halloween screenshot contest to celebrate.

Halloween Haunts GTA Online

Halloween is haunting the streets of Los Santos with a crashed UFO apparently being sighted by the denizens of GTA Online.

Ship of Heroes has Released a Halloween Video to Show Off Themed Missions

Heroic Games has released a Ship of Heroes Halloween video depicting some spooky surroundings and Halloween themed baddies. The team continues to push forward with debugging and creating missions as they make their way towards launch.

Halloween Bonuses Abound in Red Dead Online

Halloween has hit the frontier in Red Dead Online featuring bonuses and more.

Halloween Arrives in RuneScape

Halloween has taken over virtually everything, and RuneScape is next as it announced the Halloween event.

Brotherhood of Steel Arrive in Fallout 76 in December

If you've been playing Fallout 76 and have noticed the distinct lack of the Brotherhood of Steel, well, that's about to change in December.

Halloween Hits GTA Online's Los Santos

Halloween has arrived in Lost Santos as GTA Online gets festive.

Blade & Soul's Halloween Event 'Blade & Ghoul' Is Going On Now

Blade & Soul's Halloween event, the deviously named Blade and Ghoul, is underway through November 18 with plenty of rewards up for grabs.

Elsword's Halloween 2020 Event Is Underway

Halloween is everywhere this month, and this time, it's Elsword's turn. The Halloween event is currently underway filled with activities and more.

Halloween Arrives in Red Dead Online

Halloween has arrived in the frontiers of Red Dead Online this week with the Dead of Night mode.

Revelation Online's Halloween Event is Live

You too can celebrate Halloween in Revelation Online as their Halloween Trick or Treat is now live.

Guild Wars 2 Halloween Event Live

Halloween is live in Guild Wars 2 as we reported on last week. This time, we've got some more detailed patch notes.

Legends of Aria Season 6: Toil and Trouble Starts Today

Season 6: Toil and Trouble for Legends of Aria is set to release today.