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17 Results
Earn Ghoulish Goodies in Diablo 4's Meat or Treat Event

Earn ghoulish goodies in Diablo 4's Meat or Treat event.

The Witches Festival Returns to The Elder Scrolls Online With Double XP, Spooky Loot, and New Challenges and Items

Tamriel will soon get spookier with the return of The Witches Festival event, which brings the spooky gloom and treats in the form of rewards to The Elder Scrolls Online next week. 

Warframe's  'Koumei & The Five Fates' Update is Here, With Several New Player Experience Improvements

Koumei is ready to bring the luck of the dice roll to Warframe in the latest update out today. The patch adds the 58th Warframe, several improvements, new mode, and the return of Nights of Naberus.

Celebrate Halloween in GTA Online With More Free Masks, Loads of Bonuses, and Spooky Activities

Halloween is still going strong in Grand Theft Auto Online, and this week offers some of the final opportunities to enjoy the eerie atmosphere, grab themed cars and liveries, rake in bonuses, and earn yourself some more seasonal masks.

Embers Adrift Is Hosting Its First Halloween Event, Streamer Marathon

Embers Adrift is ramping up getting their MMO in front of people, kicking off a weekend-long Halloween stream with multiple content creators. The streams will run nonstop across Twitch from now through Sunday evening. This coincides with their first ever live Halloween event running now through November 3rd.

Swords of Legends Online Brings Back Halloween Hide and Seek and Extends Battle Pass Season

Halloween is back in Shenzhou with the latest Swords of Legends Online update. The 3v3 Halloween hide and seek minigame is back, with rewards to claim.

Grab Spooky New Items and a Mount in Nights of the Dead, Returning to EverQuest II

It's EverQuest II's turn to join in on the spooky annual event, Nights of the Dead. There are new items, including a new mount, and challenges.

It's Spooky Time Again As EverQuest Opens Nights of the Dead

It's October, so that means Halloween and fall events in all your favorite MMORPGs. EverQuest is the latest to bring its event back, with Nights of the Dead starting today.

Here's What's Happening This Week in Star Citizen

The latest community schedule is now available for Star Citizen. Here's what you can look forward to in the 'verse.

Fallout 76 Is Celebrating Halloween With Mystery Candy And Spooky Treat Bags

Fallout 76 is getting into the old' Halloween spirit with its festivities kicking off in Appalachia, handing out mystery candy and spooky treat bags to Dwellers.

Star Trek Online's Fall of the Old Ones Is The MMO's First Halloween Event, Runs For Three Weeks

Star Trek Online is hosting a Halloween event for the first time ever this year, with players able to take part in the three-week-long Fall of the Old Ones event. The event itself centers around the alien races: the Old Ones and the Devidians and will see players help protect the Milky Way from the latter.

Guild Wars 2 is Going Spooky With the Return of Shadow of the Mad King

Guild Wars 2 Halloween event, Shadow of the Mad King is returning with all of its events, candy, prizes and more. Plus, a special XP bonus.

Today's Black Desert Mobile Patch Releases New Zone a New World Boss and Other Spooky Offerings

Today's Black Desert Mobile patch introduces a lot of content for mobile adventurers. They are introducing a new zone, Cron Castle Royal Garden, a new Hadum World Boss, Kzarka, and as if that wasn't enough, Halloween has hit the game, with skulls and pumpkins galore.

Blade & Soul's Halloween Event 'Blade & Ghoul' Is Going On Now

Blade & Soul's Halloween event, the deviously named Blade and Ghoul, is underway through November 18 with plenty of rewards up for grabs.

Elsword's Halloween 2020 Event Is Underway

Halloween is everywhere this month, and this time, it's Elsword's turn. The Halloween event is currently underway filled with activities and more.