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43 Results
Pal Fluids in Palworld - Where To Find Them and What They Can Be Used For

Some materials within Palworld are a bit hard to come by, and some are downright difficult to obtain. The hardest part is usually finding out where to get a certain material needed for crafting and Pal Fluids are one of them.

High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld - Where To Find It and What It Can Be Used For

Few materials in Palworld are easy to come by if you don't know where to look or what Pals have a good chance of dropping what you need. Here's how to find High Quality Pal Oil in the creature collecting survival game.

How To Breed Pals in Palworld

Breeding is a great way to stockpile Pals in Palworld. Check out our guide on how to breed your Pals to save some time traversing the island.

10 Things You Need to Do Before Destiny 2: The Final Shape Drops

With Destiny 2's The Final Shape not due out till June, now is a perfect time to drop into Bungie's online looter shooter to prep. Here are ten ways every Destiny 2 player can prepare for The Final Shape.

 Beginner Tips For A Quick Start In Palworld

Touted as "Pokemon with guns," Palworld is a survival game, Monster Hunter, and Pokemon all rolled up into one fun experience. Here's our guide with tips to get off to a good start in Palworld.

Starting Destiny 2 in 2024? Here Are All the Essentials for Every New Light

Starting Destiny 2 in 2024? As you start your journey and get ready for The Final Shape this year, check out some tips from on how to get started as a New Light.

Palia On Switch: Five Tips To Get You Started On Your Adventure

Palia is out for Switch users, and Ralph is here with five tips for new players when starting out in the world of Palia.

How to Play Solo in Wayfinder | Guides

When you just want some time to grind by yourself, you can turn off matchmaking in Wayfinder and take things entirely into your own hands. Here's how.

How to Get Helper Coins in Wayfinder

Wayfinder has been designed with cooperation in mind, and while you can choose which dungeons you'd like to tackle, you might also want to check out the Helper Queue. Here's how to earn some Helper Coins and how it works.

Where to Find the Bell Tree in Wayfinder

While it's pretty common for quests in Wayfinder to give you specific directions, you'll occasionally come across one that asks you to do a bit of exploring in the Highlands. Here's where to find the Bell Tree in Wayfinder.

Where to Find the Monastery of the Sword in Wayfinder

Wayfinder is overflowing with quests to complete across its various dungeons, hubs, and open maps. Here's how to find the Monastery of the Sword in Wayfinder.

Baldur's Gate 3: Tips, Tricks and Tactics to Improve Your Experience

By now, you've probably already started (at least once) Baldur's Gate 3, but you could still use some new tips and tricks. We've got plenty to improve your experience in our latest guide.

What Class Should You Play in Diablo 4: Season of the Malignant?

Diablo 4's first season, Season of the Malignant, has been out for a bit now. Kanishka goes over the various classes to help those still on the fence which class they should look at when building their next character.

Blue Protocol: Here's 5 Tips to Help Get You Started on the Japanese Servers

If you're jumping into the game for the first time and you're a little lost on how to quest when you can't really understand what's going on, here's a few tips to get you started.

Is Upgrading Beyond 32GB of RAM Worth It? (Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB 64GB DDR5-6000MHz)

32GB is so last season -- or is it? We explore whether upgrading beyond 32GB of system memory is actually worth the investment. Considering upgrading? Find out the answer here!