Atlas is preparing for the launch of a new season. This means that there's a server wipe incoming with a return to bigger PvP map, and the Xbox-only server.
Several new servers came to Atlas this week, with the addition of a new Xbox-only server, one for small companies, and a new standard PvP server.
The year's first update for Atlas assirves today. Look out for Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day themed items, and a number of bug fixes and quality of life tweaks.
Atlas is getting a brand new patch today, that will fix a whole slate of issues, add some new quality of life changes, and open up four new 3v3 official PVP servers.
It's almost time again for a server wipe in Atlas, heralding a new season. But before then, the traditional Kraken Bowl has dates.
The next major update for Atlas add the new structure, Tame Hatchery, the return of the Uncharted Sea region, several improvements, and a number of fixes.
Season 9 has officially begun in Atlas. There's a new Wonder, new monuments to build, and a new region with seven mini-bosses to find and challenge.
On Wednesday, Atlas gets a new update that will open season 9 with a fresh start. Expect bug fixes and changes, eplore the new Golden Age Ruins and take on seven mini-bosses, a new region, and and new items.
The Atlas team has announced the next server wipe will happen on May 18th, but only after one last round of Kraken Bowl to send off The Industrial Season.
Preparing for a new season and new Wonder to come, Atlas enters a new era with the recent release of the Industrial Exploration patch
Atlas got a new update that adds a new ship, the Pegasus, UI improvements, new resources, significant fixes, and more.
What is Atlas up to in 2022? If you've asked yourself that question, Grapeshot Games has the answer in the form of a short roadmap video, depicting what players should expect in the coming year. They have also provided a quick overview of what changes went into place in 2021. Let's see what we have to look forward to in Atlas this year.
Atlas gets its first Wonder, the Great Temple, and you can be the first company to build it with this update.
Grapeshot Games released their latest Atlas Q&A, and this time they wanted to let players know that they've been listening to the community and their concerns regarding a new ship system. Luckily, the team has concluded that they have no plans to remove the original ship system.
In the latest Ask a Pirate Day Q&A, the Atlas developers answer a number of questions, and tease a ship with a bright gold Kraken figurehead. Some interesting questions were addressed, such as the team's thoughts on merging servers, or creating a mega server, and if they have any updates on balancing PvP.