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5000 EVE Online Players Are Fighting In One Of High Sec's Most Trafficked Systems

Early this morning, a fight erupted over multiple structures in the High Sec system of Perimeter in EVE Online, one of the most trafficked and important systems in the MMO.

Last Week's EVE Online Heist Looks To Be In The Trillions Of ISK, Though We're Still Left Asking 'Why?'

As EVE Online was headed towards downtime last week in anticipation of its next expansion, Havoc, a player named Jay Amazingness, decided to wreak a little havoc of his own. A new video shows that heist in action while players involved start to talk about exactly what went down.

An EVE Online Player Has Pulled Off A Major Heist In One Of MMO's Most Powerful Alliances

Betrayals and EVE Online are almost synonymous with each other twenty years into the MMO's operation, but a heist pulled off at the expense of one of the MMO's most powerful alliances hit a bit differently yesterday as Havoc launched.

EVE Online Players Destroy X47L-Q Keepstar, Ending Month-Long Seige Of The System

This morning saw Imperium and B2 forces finally take down the X47L-Q Keepstar owned by Fraternity in EVE Online, ending what has been a month-long siege that has seen thousands of players battle it out over the structure.

Over 4000 EVE Online Players Clashed Overnight In X47L-Q; Over A Trillion ISK Lost In 14 Hours

Another massive battle has raged in EVE Online, this time lasting fourteen hours and saw over four thousand pilots clash. The battlefield at X47L-Q saw a massive battle a few weeks ago, and things heated up once again overnight, with over a trillion ISK worth of ships destroyed in its wake.