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3 Results
Godspawn, the First Update for Janthir Wilds, is Now Live in Guild Wars 2

Godspawn, Guild Wars 2's first update for the Janthir Wilds expansion, is now live. Team with allies to find the titans, take on GW2's first raid in 5 years, and even get a new legendary spear.

Guild Wars 2 Previews Klobjarne, Godspawn's Legendary Spear, Along With New Wizard's Vault Rewards

ANet is previewing Godspawn's Legendary spear, Klobjarne, and its six cosmetic styles, along with new Wizard's Vault rewards for dog and cat lovers, plus more gear.

Next Week, Godspawn, Guild Wars 2's First Janthir Wilds Update Brings the Game's First Raid Since 2019

Godspawn, the first update for Guild Wars 2's Janthir Wilds expansion is coming on November 19th. This update not only  continues the story, it adds a new legendary weapon, new Convergence, and GW2's first new raid in five years.