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10 Reasons to Play FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV is not a perfect game by any means, but that doesn't mean it's not worth playing. Here is a list of 10 reasons you should play it anyways!

FFXIV Producer Explains Reasoning Behind New Savage Raid Changes

With the last update to Final Fantasy XIV, the team made some changes to the Pandaemonium Abyssos: The Eighth Circle Savage raid, changes that have left some in the community questioning exactly why this was made. According to Yoshi-P in a post on the FFXIV, basically, maths.

Best Final Fantasy XIV Quests That You'll Never Forget

Final Fantasy XIV is laden with quests. Some are generic and forgettable, while others will be etched into your minds forever. The game's quests can lead up to dungeons and raids, or they can simply exist to create memorable experiences for you. Here are Kanishka's top quests from Final Fantasy XIV.

FFXIV's Naoki Yoshida Addresses the Housing Lottery System, Details Upcoming Fixes

For nearly 4 weeks now, problems related of the FFXIV 6.1 updates' housing lottery have been ongoing. Back in April, Producer and Director of Final Fantasy 14, Naoki Yoshida addressed concerns related to several severe bugs which prevented players from successfully winning their bids, and in some cases, plots shows that there were no applicants at all. In the latest message, Yoshida has outlined the steps that they will take going forward to resolve the housing problem.

What Would Our Wishlist for The Perfect MMO Look Like?

Having played dozens of MMOs over the years, one thing that a lot of us agree on is that there is no "perfect" MMORPG out there. If you could craft the perfect MMO, what would it look like? Kanishka has put together a wish list to answer just that.

A New Journey - Final Fantasy 14 Patch 6.1, Newfound Adventure Impressions 

After four months of waiting to see where our adventures will lead next, Final Fantasy 14's future finally begins with the release of patch 6.1, titled "Newfound Adventure." With a 10-year roadmap ahead, the patch continues Creative Business Unit 3's ambitions to make FFXIV a fun, alluring experience for everyone old and new. Here's a glimpse of FFXIV's newfound future 

Final Fantasy 14 Patch 6.1's Most Anticipated Changes

FFXIV players already know that the four-month wait means despite all hardships, it's time for a much-anticipated regular content patch drop! Victoria walks us through what's most exciting about the 6.1 update.

MMOs On The Go: Would You Buy A Steam Deck Or Other Handheld PC for Your Favorite MMO?

Recently, Bradford got a Steam Deck and has been furiously testing MMORPGs on the system. It got him thinking, though: how many people are like him and want the full MMO experience wherever he is in the world?

Activities in Final Fantasy 14 You May Not Know Are Alive

Have you worn out the obvious FFXIV side activities? Have you tried these, too? Victoria takes us on an adventure off the beaten path in FFXIV with some activities you may not have realized were still thriving!

Lessons From A Year Of High-End FFXIV Raiding

A year into raiding in Final Fantasy 14, Victoria shares the life (and game) lessons learned from doing high-end content.

The Best Fantasy-Based MMOs To Play In 2023

With decades worth of fantasy MMORPGs to choose from, finding the right one can be an epic quest in and of itself. To help you begin your journey, here are the 10 healthiest, most robust, and most promising fantasy-based MMORPGs to play in 2022. 

Learning How To Play Final Fantasy 14 On Controller Has Been Slow Going

Bradford is doing the impossible: he's learning how to play Final Fantasy 14 on controller.

Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker's 'In From The Cold' Mission Is Perfectly Fine

The Final Fantasy 14 mission has caused plenty of debate in the community, but Victoria sees it as mostly aligning with the expansion's writing and goals.

Final Fantasy XIV's 6.05 Patch Brings New Savage Raid, Armor And More

Patch 6.05 of Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker dropped this morning, bringing with it the new savage raid dungeon, Pandæmonium: Asphodelos to the MMO, as well as new armor, housing furnishings and more.

Square Enix President Talks 2022, The Metaverse, and Blockchain - Acknowledges Player Hesitancy

Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda took to the Square Enix Holdings website with his New Year's Letter, which covers a number of different topics that the company aims to focus on throughout 2022. While the vast majority of the letter revolved around the influence of blockchain games, NFT and the metaverse, Matsuda also spoke of Square Enix' investment into artificial intelligence and cloud technologies and how they intend to leverage all emerging tech in the future.