Players in the Elder Scrolls Online can experience the game's chapters in any order they choose at any level. Each year, Kevin starts a new character to do just that. In Part Nine, his High Elf Nightblade starts his exploration of the Stonefalls region in the city of Davon's Watch.
Players in the Elder Scrolls Online can experience the game's chapters in any order they choose at any level. Each year Kevin starts a new character to do just that. In Part Eight, his High Elf Nightblade finds a way back to Tamriel. But unexpectedly ends up on Bleakrock Isle.
Players in the Elder Scrolls Online can experience the game's chapters in any order they choose at any level. Each year Kevin starts a new character to do just that. In Part Seven, Molag Bal and the Dark Anchors have become too much of a problem, which means a trip to Coldharbour.
Players in the Elder Scrolls Online can experience the game's chapters in any order they choose at any level. Each year Kevin starts a new character to do just that. In Part Six, the Khajiit are in a state of crisis as Reaper's March is under siege by Imperials.
Players in the Elder Scrolls Online can experience the game's chapters in any order they choose at any level. With the Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom release Kevin has explored the new zones with an Imperial Arcanist. This travel guide covers everything from the Telvanni Dark Elf mage mushroom towers to the unending libraries of Apocrypha.
Players in the Elder Scrolls Online can experience the game's chapters in any order they choose at any level. Each year Kevin starts a new character to do just that. In Part Five, parts of Malabal Tor and the Bosmer are under siege in more ways than one.
Players in the Elder Scrolls Online can experience the game's chapters in any order they choose at any level. Each year Kevin starts a new character to do just that. In Part Four, he ventures into the Greenshade to face the trails of the Wilderking.
Players in The Elder Scrolls Online can experience the game's chapters in any order they choose at any level. Each year Kevin starts a new character to do just that. In Part Three, he explores the capital of the Aldmeri Dominion and the challenges faced by the Bosmer living in this verdant forest.
The Elder Scrolls Online is a massive game with a ton of player choice on what content to experience first. Each year Kevin starts a new character to explore Tamriel just one more time. This year join him as he makes his way through Tamriel as a High Elf Nightblade aligned with the Aldmeri Dominion. Part One explores the new player experience on the Isle of Balfiera and his adventures on the island of Khenarthi's Roost.