EverQuest II's prelude to it's upcoming, unnamed expansion, launches today, bringing Secrets of the Sands to players. The new content brings a new zone, new adventure quests and much more in the ramp up to the next expansion for the long-running MMORPG.
The MMORPG fandom is often divided on the inclusion of minigames. Some players love the addition of minigames, while others hate the idea of "filler content." No matter what your stance is, here are the five MMORPG minigames we love the most.
Beta testing for the next Everquest II update, Myths and Monoliths, is now open. Any player can join the test, to help the team put the finishing touches on the next major update.
EverQuest 2's next major game update of 2022, Myths and Monoliths, will be releasing sometime this August, according to Darkpaw Games' recent producer's letter. The update will be getting an open beta to rest it out as well, starting next week.
Tinkerfest returns to EverQuest II today through June 15th. This year, it also marks the beginning of the new Summer Jubilee event.
EverQuest II has its first Summer Jubilee going on now. The event folds in existing events like Scorched Sky, Tinkerfest, and Oceansfull Festival for ongoing and cumulative bonus opportunities.
A new TLE is coming to EverQuest II, with Varsoon officially dated for May 24th.
Darkpaw Games has announced that EverQuest II will make its move to 64-bit servers in July. Beta for the new servers begins tomorrow. Meanwhile, Bristlebane Day is on in Norrath this week.
The Brewday Festival is back in EverQuest II, with new and returning items, new recipes, and of course, beer.
Kael Drakkel, the new Lore and Legend server, will be released for EverQuest II on February 22, 2022.
EverQuest II Visions of Vetrovia is the latest expansion, launched on December 2nd, 2021. For a game released in 2004, EQ2 is still looking pretty good. But how have the developers at Darkpaw Games done with recent additions/changes to the game, and is the expansion a success? Find out in Kevin's review.
EverQuest II's outlook in 2022 will feature a server merge, the arrival of 64-bit clients, new dungeons, a new TLES, more event goodies, and the game's 19th expansion.
Developer Darkpaw Games released the latest EverQuest II expansion this December, Visions of Vetrovia. After more than six years away from the game, Kevin jumped back in with a new level 120 character. He also had the chance to ask the developers a few questions. Check out his initial thoughts and the interview with Creative Director Kyle "Kander" Vallee.
Pirates and adventure await in brand new adventurous content coming to EverQuest 2 in the just announced Visions of Vetrovia expansion. And you can even get started today!
You can grab EverQuest 2's Reign of Shadows expansion for 25% off. Here's how.