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72 Results
EverQuest II's First Expansion, Desert of Flames, Enters Beta Ahead of Launch on Origins Server Anashti Sul

Today, a Desert of Flames beta begins for the  upcomng release of the first-ever expansion for EverQuest II to the fresh origins server Anashti Sul.

EverQuest II 2025 Roadmap is Here, With New & Returning Events, GU Dates, and More

EverQuest II's new 2025 roadmap includes new server unlocks, new and returning events (some with new content), the next GU, and of course, the annual expansion.

Daybreak Games Celebrates The Holidays Across Its Many MMOs With Festivals Galore

It's holiday festival time in gaming, and Daybreak is hosting a bevy of in-game celebrations across their roster of MMORPGs.

Should Legacy MMOs Die so New MMOs Survive?

We've seen numerous sequels and mobile transitions of MMORPGs over the past few decades. Would the genre be better if older titles sunset to allow new titles to thrive?

EverQuest II's Scars of Destruction Expansion Gets A Release Window and a Dev Preview Stream

EverQuest II's Scars of Destruction expansion just got a launch date and a special developer preview stream.

Plot of Scars of Destruction, EverQuest 2's 21st Expansion, Teased in Producer's Letter

The overarching story for Everquest 2's 21st expansion for, Scars of Destruction, has been unveiled in the latest Producer's Letter.

EverQuest II Opens the Oceansfull Festival, With New and Returning Content

The Oceansfull Festival continues Summer Jubilee in EverQuest II with new and returning content

EverQuest II Game Update 126, The Immeasurable Menagerie, Open Beta Starts Next Week

EverQuest II's next big update, The Immeasurable Menagerie, Game Update 126, will be available to test in open beta next week. 

EverQuest II's Norrathian Armory Will Let You Share Some Items With Your Alts

EverQuest II is now offering a way to share specifically flagged items that you already own with all of your characters on your account: the Norrathian Armory. 

EverQuest II Varsoon Time Locked Server To Progress Through Later Expansions

After much deliberation, the EverQuest II developers have decided to allow the time-locked server Varsoon to make it through even more expansions. 

Scorched Sky is Back in EverQuest II, With New Quest, Items, and Double XP

It's Scorched Sky time again in EverQuest II, and Daybreak has a few new features along with returning ones for this year's event.

EverQuest II Origins Server Anashti Sul Opens, Taking Us Back to 2006

EverQuest II Origins server Anashti Sul is now open, taking us way, way back to 2006 rules, quest content, and even appearances.

EverQuest's Fippy Fest 2024: Next EverQuest Expanions Revealed During Fippy Fest

EverQuest's Fippy Fest celebration is going on now, with a day full of livestreamed panels and more.

EverQuest's In-Person Fippy Fest Schedule Revealed

If you're wondering what you're most likely missing for EverQuest's $1500 in-person fan celebration for the game's 25th anniversary, we finally know.

EverQuest 2 April Producers Letter Reveals More In-Depth Look At 2024

EverQuest 2's latest producer's letter has taken a look towards what's still to come in 2024, including Fippy Fest and the next major game update.