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Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker Review

Endwalker concludes FFXIV's decade-long narrative with a lofty, risky, and ambitious story. But is it worth forging ahead?

Final Fantasy XIV Suffers Massive Server Issues Last Night, Square Enix Pulls MMORPG From Sale To Combat Congestion

To say Final Fantasy XIV is popular would be an understatement. Since earlier this year, the MMORPG has had a huge influx of players jumping into Eorzea, congesting the servers. With the recent release of Endwalker, this has only intensified, leading Square Enix to once again pull the MMO from sale to stem the tide of players joining in and slamming the servers beyond capactiy.

Endwalker Story Impressions: Final Fantasy 14 Early Review

Much like a trip to the moon, the story of FFXIV's latest expansion aims to cover plenty of ground (or space). Does it succeed?  

Ways To Prepare For Endwalker With Your Two Extra Weeks

We have a list of productive things to make sure you've done in FFXIV to stay warmed up before Endwalker's release.

The Eorzea Prospect: Tales From A Habitual FFXIV Returner (And Why This Time Is Different)

Robin, our resident World of Warcraft expert, has dove headlong into FFXIV. Again. Only for some reason this time feels different.

Final Fantasy XIV Talks Changes Coming To Scrips And Allagan Tomestones

As part of patch 6.0, Final Fantasy XIV players will start to see some changes to Scrips and Allagan Tomestones. The FFXIV team took to their website today to outline those changes, giving players plenty of notice before the patch hits.

Final Fantasy 14 Director Naoki Yoshida Thanks Medical Workers

The FFXIV director once again thanks those working at the front lines, and hopes the game will give them relief.

Your Days Off To Finish Endwalker May Not Be Enough

According to director Naoki Yoshida, Endwalker will be really, really big. Enormously big

Thavnair, Garlemald, and New Sharlayan: Endwalker Media Tour Photo Tour

A quick photo tour of the new Final Fantasy 14 areas unveiled during the Endwalker preview event.

Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker Interview With Director Naoki Yoshida

Anticipation and expectations are high for Endwalker, the latest expansion in Final Fantasy 14, which releases this November. We sat down with the game's director, Naoki Yoshida, to talk about the MMO and what to expect with Endwalker moving forward.

I've Found Anxiety And Optimism In Final Fantasy 14's Upcoming Data Center Travel

One of the most anticipated features of Final Fantasy 14's upcoming Endwalker expansion is its Data Center Travel feature. Yet it's an upcoming feature that has Victoria feeling both anxiety and optimism.

Next FF14 Letter From The Producer LIVE Set For September 17th

The next Letter from the Producer LIVE stream is coming this month, with Square Enix announcing that it will be held on September 17th at 7pm PDT/10pm EDT. The stream itself will cover battle-related updates, job adjustments and more as it relates to the upcoming expansion, Endwalker.

Final Fantasy 14 Producer Addresses Congested Servers, Login Caps In New Post

Final Fantasy 14's producer Naoki Yoshida took to the FFXIV website last night to address the ongoing concerns of the influx of players to the MMO, specifically just how the servers are holding up among the rush to Eorzea. The post details login caps for European data centers, as well as what the team at Square Enix are doing to alleviate congestion.

Opinion: Final Fantasy XIV Dev's Response To Sage Icon Is Something The Games Industry Should Learn From

Late last week news came out of Square Enix with Final Fantasy XIV's producer Naoki Yoshida announcing a revamp to the icon of an upcoming class. This change was prompted by feedback from the community about a lesser known phobia that the original emblem could have been seen as triggering to those who suffer from trypophobia. As a result, the FFXIV quickly revamped the emblem to assuage those concerns. It's this type of action, looking out even for the smallest subset of players who support the

Final Fantasy XIV's Sage Job Icon Changed Due To Trypophobia Concerns

Final Fantasy XIV is seeing an upcoming icon changed thanks to some concerns in the community regarding it triggering a lesser-known phobia out there: trypophobia. The phobia itself puts sufferers into a feeling of "fear or disgust of closely-packed holes" according to Healthline, which the original icon had as part of the design.