The highly-anticipated narrative adventure of Dying Light 2 has been unveiled as Dying Light: The Beast, a new standalone game.
Mitch wants people to play good games, not bad ones. Since The Day Before came out and has been exactly what everyone predicted, here are 7 recommendations from Mitch to play instead if you want to scratch that zombie, post apocalyptic itch.
Dying Light 2: Stay Human is the long awaited sequel to Techlands post-apocalyptic parkour title, but does it live up to the legacy of the first one? Check out our review.
Are you looking forward to parkouring around zombie-infested streets in Dying Light 2 on PC next year? Well, hope you have a beefy rig if you want to play at top settings.
Jason recently had the chance to check out the upcoming parkour RPG Dying Light 2: Stay Human at an event in San Francisco. Read on to learn more about the upcoming sequel to the first-parson zombie parkour game!