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Ship of Heroes Has 30 Possible Customizable Hero Auras, Gets a Development Update and Showcase

Heroic Games has a  new development update for Ship of Heroes, this time focusing on Auras. Auras are part of the superhero character creator that have grown and changed as they've gotten deeper into development. 

'MMO-lite' Soul Kingdoms Shows Off Development Progress From 2017 to Present

Power Proc Studios, the indie dev team behind Soul Kingdoms, has a new video showing development progress on the game from the bare first playtests back in 2017 to the current 2024 build.

Chronicles of Elyria Issues Second Update on Development Discussing Layoffs, COVID, More

Soulbound Studios has published Episode 2 of their Inside Chronicles of Elyria series, providing more insight into development.

Chris Roberts: Star Citizen Won't Take '10 to 20 Years to Deliver'

In a reply to a forum post, Chris Roberts of Star Citizen fame addressed concerns around the release of the game, and more.

Albion Online Gives Development Progress Update

In a new video, the Game Director for Albion Online updates players on the game's development progress. He recaps some of the biggest updates over the past several months, and details some major features in the next content update.