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Assassin's Creed Valhalla's First Expansion 'Wrath of the Druids' Delayed to May 13

It looks like the first big expansion for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, called Wrath of the Druids, has been delayed out of April. The new date is May 13. Not much detail was provided for the delay, but here's what we know so far.

Ashes of Creation Alpha One Test Delayed to June 1

Ashes of Creation's Alpha One has been delayed out of April with a new start date of June 1. Here are the details.

Fallout 76 PTS Update Delayed Due To Austin's Severe Weather

Austin, and the rest of Texas along with much of the United States has been experiencing some really severe weather the last 48 hours, and naturally it's going to disrupt a few things. One of the industries disrupted by the weather is the gaming world, as Fallou 76's upcoming PTS patch has been delayed due to weather.

New World Delayed From Spring, Now Launching August 31st

Amazon's New World has received another delay, this time pushing the upcoming MMO from its projected Spring 2021 release to August 31st, 2021.

Neverwinter: Sharandar Delayed to February 16

Neverwinter's Sharandar release has been delayed by one week on PC and will now launch on February 16.

Outriders Delayed to April 1 (Seriously), Demo Announced for February 25 With Progress Carrying Over to Final Game

Outriders, the upcoming third person RPG from People Can Fly, is being delayed to April 1. That's not a joke. But there's a demo arriving on February 25.

Corepunk's Closed Beta Delayed To Spring 2021

If you were looking forward to playing Corepunk's closed beta, unfortunate news. You'll have to wait until Spring 2021 to experience it.

Cyberpunk Devs Receiving Death Threats Over New Delay

Death threats are being directed towards Cyberpunk 2077 developers at CD Projekt Red in response to the recently announced delay.

Path of Exile 3.13 Expansion Delayed to January Because of Cyberpunk 2077

Grinding Gear Games has announced a delay to their 3.13 expansion to Path of Exile after CD Projekt RED delayed Cyberpunk 2077 into December.

Blizzard Delays Shadowlands, No New Release Date Yet

Blizzard has just revealed that Shadowlands, the latest expansion for World of Warcraft, has been delayed to later this year.

Star Citizen Community Reddit Poll Asks What Features Will Be Pushed from 3.11 to 3.12

A community new poll on the Star Citizen Reddit asks the community which 3.11 feature they feel may be pushed to 3.12.

Elder Scrolls Online Outlines Adventuring in Greymoor's Skyrim

Zenimax shared some more details on adventuring in Greymoor's Western Skyrim in Elder Scrolls Online.

New World Delayed to August 25, Closed Beta in July

In a new update, we learn that New World has been delayed to August 25 with the Closed Beta starting in July.

Sandbox MMO Hegemony Launch Marred By Issues, Results in Delay

Hegemony, the Minecraft-built sandbox MMO, went live earlier but ran into issues, causing a further delay.