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DCUO Update 114 Brings Tides of War Summer Event

Update 114 for DC Universe Online is here and brings with it the Tides of War summer event, in addition to several other updates. Here are the details.

DCUO Death of Superman Event Going On Now

DC Universe Online's latest event is the Death of Superman and it's going now through June 9. This'll be your chance at new rewards, bonus currency, and more.

PSA: DC Universe Online Bonus Nth Metal Week Ends Wednesday

Here's a quick PSA for those of you playing DC Universe Online. The Bonus Nth Metal Week is set to end this Wednesday. In case you want to hop in and check it out, here's what you need to know before the event ends.

All DCUO Episodes Will Be Made Free to All Players Ahead of Summer Expansion

The latest development update for DC Universe Online has been published, pointing to some pretty exciting information if you're a player of the MMO. This includes news about the monetization - or lack thereof - of new episodes.

DC Universe Online: Jack Emmert On Episode 40 - World Of Flashpoint

Last week, Dimensional Ink Games released their latest episode, World of Flashpoint, free for all players for the first time. We sat down with CEO Jack Emeert on the latest episode and more in the world of DCUO.

DC Universe Online's Upcoming World of Flashpoint Episode Detailed, Coming April 15th

In a post on the PlayStation Blog today, DC Universe Online's upcoming 40th Episode, World of Flashpoint, was detailed. The next update for DCUO will be hitting platforms on April 15th.

DC Universe Online 'World of Flashpoint' Permanently Free for Everyone

In some surprising news, the folks behind DC Universe Online have announced that World of Flashpoint episode will be free for everyone. No, this isn't an April Fool's joke.

DC Universe Online's 'Flashpoint' Episode Releasing April

DC Universe Online has announced the Flashpoint episode set to launch in April.

DC Universe Online Test Server Patch Brings St. Patrick's Day Event

The St. Patrick's Day event is available now on DC Universe Online's test server, along with several other updates.

DCUO - The Art of Character Creation

For many of us, playing games serves as a distraction from the veil of real life. Games serve as a temporary get-away from things like dealing with a job, family, or a global pandemic. Many of us that play role-playing games with extensive character creators. Join Scott as he breaks down his way of creating characters in an MMO.

DCUO is Bringing Survival Mode Back for Season 2 in March

Survival Mode Season 2 is headed back to DC Universe Online in March. For those that may have missed the first season, Survival Mode Season 1: Titans Training Sim released back in 2019, and 2020 didn't see a Survival Mode season.

Black Screen Issues Plagued DCUO on Xbox

DC Universe Online Xbox players experienced several issues over the weekend, with the team working to resolve. Here are the details.

DC Universe Online Legends PvE Extravaganza Event Extended

DC Universe Online is extending the Legends PvE Extravaganza event through February 10.

Interview - Dimensional Ink Games' CEO Jack Emmert On 10 Years Of DC Universe Online

Just last week the DC Comics inspired superhero MMO, DC Universe Online (DCUO), celebrated it's 10-year anniversary! Dimensional Ink Games, the studio behind the development for the game, also kicked off a three weeklong in-game celebration that runs through January. We caught up with DCUO's Jack Emmert to talk about 10 years of the comic-hero MMO.

DC Universe Online Releases their 10th Anniversary Producers Letter

Daybreak/Dimensional Ink cordially invites all cape and cowl wearers to their 10th anniversary of DC Universe Online, and Senior Producer Landon Falls has a lot to say about the past 10 years. Falls also talks about some upcoming features you can look forward to, including an official PlayStation 5 native client.