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Looking Back On The MMORPG Year That Was 2024

In 2024, the MMORPG genre teetered between bold reinventions, unexpected resurrections, and the weight of unmet expectations.

The Games That Helped Me Survive 2024: Kate's Top 10

2024 was a long year for many of us, and like many of us, games helped Kate get through the year that was. Taking a look back, here are the ten games that helped Kate survive the year.

FFXIV Patch 7.1 Impressions: 'Crossroads' Steps Back Up in Story and Gameplay, but Is It Enough?

After a controversial primary expansion, the 7.1 patch has a lot to live up to--and in some ways, it excels. But it may not be enough to fix the damage, says Victoria.

Final Fantasy XIV and War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius are joining in a collaboration event

Final Fantasy XIV and mobile RPG War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius are joining in a collaboration event, and bringing back the FFXIV x Final Fantasy Brave Exvius collab.

Dawntrail Proves Final Fantasy XIV Should Become an Anthology Story - The Eorzea Prospect

The Warrior of Light has seen and done it all. They've traveled across time and dimensions, befriended literal gods, and even saved the very fabric of existence. Where do you go from there?

Shadowbringers Ultimate, MSQ, Endgame Content and More: A Quick Look at What's in FFXIV Patch 7.1

The Live Letter from the Producer at Tokyo Games Show unveiled much of what's to come in Final Fantasy 14's new Patch 7.1, titled "Crossroads."

Final Fantasy XIV's Moonfire Faire Offers Summer Fun This Week, and Dawntrail Soundtrack Info Revealed

Final Fantasy XIV's Moonfire Faire event is starting this Thursday, and the team has a rundown of all the activities,  details on how to participate, and of course, rewards. Square Enix has also announced preorder and release info for the Dawntrail soundtrack.

I Drank Dew: Documenting the Journey to the FFXIV Mountain Dew Gaming Shirt

When Victoria and her roommate saw a FFXIV tee for a Mountain Dew promo, they knew they needed it--even if it took enduring 40 bottles.

Final Fantasy XIV 7.05 Adds AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage), New Items, and Loosens Anti-Congestion Policies

AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage) arrives in Final Fantasy XIV, along with new items, a list of fixes, and loosens some anti-congestion policies enacted for the expansion.

FFXIV's New Raids Are Out--and Just as Spectacular as the Rest of Dawntrail's Fights

Final Fantasy 14's newest raid series Arcadion is now out--and follows up in spectacular fashion with more of Dawntrail's exciting, memorable combat.

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail Review - A Fresh Adventure in the FFXIV Universe

Since its announcement last summer, Dawntrail promised a change of pace from the massive, decade-long story of FFXIV.

FFXIV's Server and Graphics Upgrades Makes the Decade-Old MMORPG Feel Endless

With a slew of new upgrades in Final Fantasy 14, our columnist feels like the game will actually hold up on its ten-year roadmap.

MMO Launch Spotlight: FFXIV's Xpac and an MMO-Lite Shooter Released This Week

This week we saw the launch of Final Fantasy 14s expansion Dawntrail and a cross-platform shooter from Nexon also hit their release window.

FFXIV Servers Weather Storm of Highest Concurrent Player Count Since Launch

Naoki Yoshida shared that the playerbase reached its highest concurrent count since A Realm Reborn's launch.

All FFXIV Players to Receive Free Gameplay Time as Both an Apology and Thank-You

Final Fantasy 14 players will get between 2 to 10 extra days of free gameplay time for myriad reasons.