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94 Results
EverQuest II's New 2022 Roadmap Details Server Merge, New Dungeons, New TLES, and the 19th Expansion

EverQuest II's outlook in 2022 will feature a server merge, the arrival of 64-bit clients, new dungeons, a new TLES, more event goodies, and the game's 19th expansion.

EverQuest II: Visions of Vetrovia Initial Impressions and Developer Interview

Developer Darkpaw Games released the latest EverQuest II expansion this December, Visions of Vetrovia. After more than six years away from the game, Kevin jumped back in with a new level 120 character. He also had the chance to ask the developers a few questions. Check out his initial thoughts and the interview with Creative Director Kyle "Kander" Vallee.

Vampires, Creepy Creatures, and Loads of New Content as EverQuest's Terror of Luclin Expansion is Live

EverQuest has some creepy new adventures to take on the moon of Luclin in the latest expansion, Terror of Luclin, out today. 

It's Frostfell Time Again in EverQuest, With New Quests and Returning Holiday Content

EverQuest is in festive mode again, as Frostfell begins today. The event will bring both new and returning content and goodies in two stages, running through January 7th.

EverQuest II: Visions of Vetrovia is Out, Bringing New Level Cap, Raids, Gear, and Dinosaurs

Everquest II: Visions of Vetrovia is now officially out.  If you've been waiting to mix up your fantasy adventuring with dinosaurs and cannibals, you're in luck. The expansion adds several new zones made up of different but treacherous locations including the jungle, seaside, and more.

EverQuest's Terror of Luclin Expansion Coming on December 7th

A new mystery on the moon of Norrath, Luclin, about to be yours to solve when EverQuest launches its next expansion, Terror of Luclin. The expansion will be out on December 7th.

EverQuest II Visions of Vetrovia Launching on December 1st

Visions of Vetrovia: Everquest II's latest expansion, will go live on December 1st. Beta is wrapping up, and preorders continue.

Celebrate EverQuest II's 17th Anniversary With Nostalgia and Heroes' Festival 2021

Today, November 8, 2021 is the 17th anniversary of the launch of EverQuest II. To celebrate, the Darkpaw Games team has put together a collection of cover art for every one of the game's expansions. And the Heroes' Festival is back.

EverQuest Producer's Letter Reveals 64-bit Clients Coming, Talks Events & Terror of Luclin

The latest producer's letter for EverQuest has just been published. In it, Head of Studio Jenn Chan gives a little bit of a year in review, some details on the next expansion, and new updates for the servers and clients.

EverQuest: Terror of Luclin Expansion Up for Preorder,  Features a New Raid, Level Cap Increase, and New Zones

EverQuest: Terror of Luclin is now available for preorder. The expansion features a new raid, new quest content, seven new zones, boosts the level cap to 120, and more.

EverQuest II's Next Update, Toil and Trouble, Coming August 10th

In the summer producer's letter, EverQuest II's Jenn Chan announced that the next update to the venerable MMORPG, Toil and Trouble, would be coming next week on August 10th. Details themselves were scant, but Chan hinted that there would be "something for everyone" in the upcoming update.

EverQuest Progression Servers, Mischief And Thornblade, Launching Today

Announced over a month ago, the two special progression servers for EverQuest launch today, bringing the classic EQ experience - with a few twists - to subscribers.

Norrathian Stride - Dealing With Burn Out In EverQuest 2

J is having some issues with burn out. Playing through EverQuest 2 right now as he gets his way up to the current content, doing it solo has become a slog. Is this something you feel in an MMO as well, especially when the social parts of the MMO are nonexistent for large stretches?

EverQuest Still Wants You in Its World After 22  Years

EverQuest pioneered the 3D massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. For many people, it would forever change how we would interact with games and people online. Even after 22 years players are flocking towards the venerable world of Norrath to discover long lost friends and adventures. Michael was surprised at how much he felt the draw to get back into the MMO recently.

Norrathian Stride - Returning To EverQuest II

For the majority of his twenties, Jonathan was a hardcore EverQuest player. When EverQuest II launched, J eagerly jumped back into Norrath, and while it hooked him for a while, he inevitably went back to the OG EQ. Now, in 2021, Jonathan has returned to Norrath - how does this experience hold up years later? Check out the first installment of the Norrathian Stride, a new column about EverQuest II.