While Crowfall's free beta period has ended, you can still continue playtesting if you happened to purchase the game. Here are the details.
With so many games attempting to innovate their respective genres, the MMORPG has been in need of some serious love and attention in recent years. Thankfully we've moved past the age of every new title needing to be the next "WOW killer", and have instead progressed to a time where MMO's are more interested in creating something new rather than the same thing but "better." Matt took a look at Crowfall in the most recent beta test.
Save the date for...later today as the Crowfall team will share what they have planned next for the MMO. Here are the details you'll need to know, including when and where you'll need to tune in.
Beta 6.520 for Crowfall is now live. Dubbed Carnage, the update gives you access to another world, called the HungerDome which is the home of the Throne War arena. Here are the details.
The Dregs Amaranth Campaign test is underway in Crowfall. You still have a few days to hop in and check it out.
In a recent post in their Discord, the Crowfall team have revealed their roadmap outlining their timeline for the short, medium, and long terms.
The latest Live patch for Crowfall has been pushed and brings with it a fix for transmog recipes.
A new live patch for Crowfall has hit the servers and brings a few tweaks to powers. Additionally, the team has confirmed 12.2 invites will be going out soon.
In an interview with MassivelyOP, Crowfall's Creative Director J. Todd Coleman stated that the beta MMO is "very close" to launch this year, stating that the team has transitioned mostly from adding new things to the MMO to bug fixes and polish.
A new test patch for Crowfall is here and now stops your equipment from dropping. Yup.
Crowfall has announced that beta access time has been extended for buddy codes.
Voting is underway for the Best Crowfall Creator of the Year. Be sure to cast your vote.
Crowfall laid out its plans for 2021 on their Kickstarter page earlier, pointing to a new vessel progression system and more.
The Crowfall team is set to host a new live stream tomorrow, January 5, where they'll discuss what's next for the game.
A lot of heads will separated from their bodies in Crowfall's Decapathon event going on now through January 5.