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25 Results
Temtem Launches With Version 1.0, and Kicks Off Season 1 in the Massively Multiplayer Creature-Collecting Game

A massively multiplayer creature collection game, Temtem launches today out of Early Access, and there's a peppy new trailer showing off all the major features, from exploring, creature collection, to co-op, decorating, and more.

New In-Depth Temtem Trailer Shows Off All Major Features Coming For Launch on Sepember 6th

Temtem is coming on September 6th, and developer Crema and publisher Humble Games are ramping up the final weeks of pre-launch reveals with a new in-depth trailer delving into all of the game's major features.

Devs Conclude a Week of Temtem Reveals With an Intro to Tamers Island, Challenges, New Currencies, and More

A week of reveals for Temtem has come to an end with some final dev reveals. The updates cover The Tamers Paradise, the last island in the archipelago, the currency called feathers, and rewards

Devs Outline Temtem's Monetization Plans, From All-Cosmetic Shop to Earning Season Passes By Playing

Temtem's newest reveals leading up to September's launch out of Early Access are about monetization details the season pass, and what to expect from the shop.

Temtem Gets A 1.0 Release Date, Launching Out Of Early Access On September 6th

Temtem, the creature collecting title by Crema and Humble Games, will finally be releasing out of Early Access later this year. Coming on September 6th to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series consoles, PC and Nintendo Switch, the Pokemon-inspired MMO will bring with it new features, areas, and more.

Temtem Recaps Its First Year Of Early Access As It Preps For Next Major Update

It's been a year since the early access monster-catching MMO Temtem released on Steam and the team behind the MMO has had an eventful one since the release. The team took to a blogpost late last week to detail some of what happened and the milestones they've hit since its initial early access release.

Temtem Provides a Development Status Update - Ditches Roadmaps

In an update to the community on Steam, Temtem developer Crema details their current development state, and lets the players know that while the Roadmap for Temtem is out of date, everything is still coming to the game - eventually.

Temtem Launches on its Exclusive Console Debut on Playstation 5 Today

December 8th is the day when Crema and Humber Games launches their creature-gathering multiplayer game Temtem on the Playstation 5. This hereby marks the games exclusive early access launch on consoles, though the game is currently available on PC and plans to come to the XBOX Series X and Nintendo Switch sometime next year.

Temtem Team Acknowledges Global and Trade Chat Issues, Fixes Incoming

The Early Access game Temtem has acknowledges that there have been some issues with global and trade chat, in a tweet on the official twitter account. The tweet also points to the possibility of fixing co-op problems in their patch that is set to release sometime this week.

TemTem Releases Kisiwa Island Trailer, Launches July 21st

Fans of the creature collection MMO TemTem may be happy to know that Crema will release the Kisiwa Island update tomorrow, July 21st. To celebrate the release, the announcement is accompanied by an official release trailer that details a lot of what you can expect from the new island, including new Tems you may encounter!