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6 Results
Blizzard's New Warcraft Themed Skins for Diablo 4 Look Awesome, Will Make Your Wallet Cry

Blizzard's new Warcraft skins for Diablo 4 look awesome and will make your wallet cry.

Earn Unique Cosmetics in New World's Season of Opportunity this October

New World's Season of Opportunity drops alongside the Aeternum update this October.

Lost Ark's New Western-Exclusive Cosmetics Let You Become Magical Girl or Boy

The Magickal Enchanter Collection, exclusive to Western Lost Ark players, dropped as part of its "Chaos Rising" May Update.

I've Finally Hit Final Fantasy 14's End Game: Injecting Some Glamour Into My Life

Bradford is a sucker for a good costuming system. So now that he has money and time in Final Fantasy 14, he's doing what he does best: matching his weapon to his outfit.

MMOSide Chat - How Important Are Cosmetics To You?

Personalizing your avatar is something many people say they love about playing online games. Showing off the new costume or the powerful end-game armor you found are some things Bradford's buddies enjoy doing in their MMO. How about you? How important are cosmetics to you?

Ashes of Creation's Steven Sharif Clarifies a Few Points on Cosmetics and Monthly Costs

In a lengthy and informative post by Creative Director of Ashes of Creation, Steven Sharif, a talk of cosmetic variations and Intrepid's outlook on monetization was in full focus.