The latest hotfix for Conan Exiles is here, squashing some bugs and wiping out some eploits.
Conan Exiles has received a new hotfix which addresses an issue that caused intended attributes not being provided to the Royal Armor.
A developer stream for Conan Exiles fielded several questions from the community across several topics, including the recently released Isle of Siptah expansion, and future plans.
Conan Exiles is a game that Red Thomas has bragged on many times. Their new Isle of Siptah expansion has not released without problems, though. Red takes readers through some of the issues he had playing the new expansion and offers some troubleshooting and work-around advice.
Good news if you're a Conan Exiles player. It looks like more official servers are on the way.
The latest Producer Letter for Conan Exiles teases what's next for the survival game.
One player has performed (and recorded) a speed build of the Stormglass Cathedral in Conan Exiles as part of their latest expansion, the Isle of Siptah.
Hey, as a reminder, the latest Conan Exiles expansion called The Isle of Siptah is out today in Early Access on Steam.
The first major expansion for Conan Exiles called Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah is set to release next week on September 15 in Early Access.
Releasing a vague tweet as well as a countdown on the Conan Exiles website, Funcom appears to be teasing a big announcement. The timer on the countdown points to September 10th as the reveal date.
Those Summer Vacation Decay timers in Conan Exiles? Yeah, they're going to be shut off soon.
The newest Conan Exiles patch takes square aim at eliminating the remaining crashes, in addition to a few issues with server browser.
The winners of Conan Exile's Tower of the Elephant building contest have been announced.
More fixes to the Friends List are here for Conan Exiles as part of the most recent patch.
The most recent hotfix for Conan Exiles has release on Steam and includes fixes for server browser, connectivity, and friends list.