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3 Results
Ultima Online: New Legacy Beta Testing Coming Soon, Applications Open

Broadsword has announced that beta testing for Ultima Online: New Legacy, the not exactly classic shard for Ultima Online, is coming soon. For those who are interested in the beta, there's also a way to sign up for consideration.

Aion's 12th Anniversary Announcement Points to a Possible Classic Server

In a post on the Korean AION plaync site, a cryptic message surfaces that many believe points to the possibility of a classic server. The Korean translation reads "The memories of the Deva will become reality." It then points to a date of October 28th, 2020.

Lord of the Rings Online - Developer Dismisses the Idea of LOTRO Classic

Over the past several years the return of Legacy, or Classic, servers have been on the rise. In the case of Lord of the Rings Online in a response to a thread looking for an alternative LOTRO experience was responded to by a developer questioning whether players truly wanted an experience of the past, bugs and all.