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Black Desert Players Help Raise $70K For Doctors Without Borders

Black Desert and Black Desert Mobile players have helped Pearl Abyss raise around $70K USD for Doctors Without Borders, the sixth year Pearl Abyss has partnered with its players to help raise funds for the charity.

New Warframe: 1999 Concept Art Reveals as Digital Extremes' Quest to Conquer Cancer Stretch Goals

Digital Extremes is holding its annual Quest to Conquer Cancer charity drive and thanks to the community's generosity, there's a new Warframe: 1999 art reveal. More 1999 reveals are also on offer as stretch goals.

Pink Mercy Skin Returns To Overwatch, Again Raising Money For Cancer Research

One of the most memorable and extremely important skins is coming back to Overwatch, as the Pink Mercy Skin is making a vital comeback. 

Sky: Children of the Light Brings Back Days of Nature Event, With Ocean-Themed Rewards and Charity Items

Sky: Children of the Light will hold its Days of Nature event starting next week, with new activities to take on, stop pollution in game, get rewarded, and even to help raise money to help preserve rivers and oceans. 

Bungie Opens 5th Annual Game2Give Fundraiser and Updates on Upcoming Destiny 2 Content

Bungie has launched its 5th annual charity fundraising event, Game2Give. The team is also teasing a few upcoming releases to look out for in Destiny 2.

Diablo 4 Mother's Blessing Event Returns to Boost Progression, and Blood Harvest Reaches Its Goal

Diablo 4 will open up another round of the Mother's Blessing event next week, for a slew of special bonuses. Blizzard is also thanking the Diablo 4 community for hitting the goal in the recent Blood Harvest donation campaign, with another gift and a new contest.

Diablo 4 Community Already At 44% of Blood Donation Goal, Blizzard Releases New Creepy Webtoons

The Diablo 4 Blood Harvest is going well, with the community already having met the first goal, unlocking themed weapon skins for all. Plus, Blizzard has some frightful new stories for all.

Warframe Launches Second Annual Quest to Conquer Cancer Charity Drive

Warframe marks October with a second annual Quest to Conquer Cancer donation drive, with prizes and rewards to unlock.

Gamigo Teams Up With Eden Reforestation Projects To Help Plant New Trees Around The Globe

Gamigo has teamed up with Eden Reforestation Projects to help combat the climate crisis by planting new trees around the globe. As of this writing, the charity project has raised over 21,000 tree pledges in a little over 24 hours and it doesn't show any signs of slowing down.