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196 Results
EVE Online's Much Discussed Mining and Resource Update Doubles Resources, Overhauls Ships and Mining

EVE Online's big mining and resource update is here. The changes are extensive, overhauling mining, doubling resources, changing how mining and ore processing work, and more.

EVE Online Gets a New Comics Limited Series, Capsuleer Chronicles, from Dark Horse

Dark Horse Comics and CCP Games have teamed up for a new mini comics series based on EVE Online. The two companies originally partnered on an EVE Online collaboration back in 2015, and this new four-issue limited series, Capsuleer Chronicles, looks to tell some very human stories in the depths of New Eden.

EVE Online Ending DirectX 9 Support in January

As part of continued work to accompany previously announced changes to EVE Online's network infrastructure, DirectX 9 support is ending in January.

With EVE Online's New Player Experience a Success, CCP Talks What's Coming

Recently, CCP has worked on and released several options to help new players feel more welcome in EVE Online. The team's latest update, Building Better Capsuleers reflects on that update, what worked well, what still needs some work, and plans for the coming months. 

How EVE Online Players Are Helping Scientists Perform COVID-19 Research

The players of EVE Online are known for their dedication. Recently, a report about citizen science and COVID-19 research, shines a spotlight on the potential for using the game's technology for good.

Proving Grounds This Weekend as The Crimson Harvest Returns to EVE Online - With a Twist

If you're looking for something to do this weekend, EVE Online brings back the Crimson Harvest event through November 9th, with a twist. There's also a special Proving Ground this weekend.

EVE Online Launches on Mac With Native M1 Support and Daily Rewards for All

EVE Online is now available on Mac, with the launch today of a new version optimized for Apple's M1 chip and its new Metal framework.

CCP Introduces Quasar, the New Networking Foundation of EVE Online

CCP introduces the successor to Project Sanguine, a new system called Quasar, which will take EVE Online into the future.

EVE Online Breaks Down How To Work Its Player Market In Latest Video

In a new video targeted at new players (though vets could still likely glean some insight), CCP Games are breaking down how capsuleers can use the in-game regional market in EVE Online to earn some sweet, sweet ISK.

EVE Online Is Now Live On The Epic Games Store, Reveals Over 24 Million Lifetime Pilots Have Taken Flight In New Eden

EVE Online is launching on the Epic Games Store today, and CCP to celebrate the launch the team released some stats about the historic playerbase in New Eden.

EVE Online Abyssal Proving Grounds Event Now Open to All

Just after its new update to welcome newer players, EVE Online's Abyssal Proving Grounds event is now open for all takers.

EVE Online: Is The New Player Experience Enough To Get Started?

Ever since Bradford first started covering EVE Online, there has been a refrain from devs and fans alike to improve the new player experience. Well, it's here, but does it set new capsuleers up for success?

EVE Online Welcomes New Players With Big Gateway Update, Epic Store Release

EVE Online has been engaging folks for 18 years, and there's no denying the dedicated community. However, some regard it as being difficult to start. The latest update, Quadrant 3: Gateway, is looking to change that.

Relax And Check Out Iceland's Erupting Volcano With This EVE Online DJ Mix

EVE Online's developers are situated in Iceland, and right now in case you were unaware, there is a volcano technically erupting. Don't worry, it's been going for a while now. CCP Games, the developers behind the space-faring MMO are sharing some of their country's natural beauty with a new video giving some spectacular views of the volcano in action.

No Downtime Again in EVE Online on September 9th

There's going to be another no downtime experiment in EVE, after experiments and data collected showed improvements in downtime reduction. This new experiment is dated for Thursday, September 9th.