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Apple to Raise Prices Starting Tomorrow, Affecting Some Mobile and Cross-Platform Games and Cash Shops

Tomorrow, Apple will begin raising the prices of apps and in-app purchases across several regions and countries, and this will affect some cross-platform and mobile games' cash shops going forward.

New World Details More Of Its Cash Shop Plans, No Plans To Provide Anything That Feels 'Pay To Win'

The New World cash shop has been something of a lightning rod the last few weeks in the MMO community after news that Amazon was testing an in-game cash shop during the latest alpha. However, it was the idea of adding boosters to the shop that drew criticism from across the playerbase.

New World Addresses Cash Shop Concerns, Stresses Launch Shop Will Only Have Cosmetics, States AGS Is Looking At A Battle Pass-Style System

New World's cash shop is still a concern for players who were hoping for a shopless MMO to hit the market. The team at Amazon Game Studios released a statement Friday evening addressing the concerns as well as broadening on their plans for microtransactions in New World.

Best Cash Shops To Spend Your Money In

Look - we get it. Cash shops can be predatory and down right ruin some games with extensive pay to win mechanics. But when done right, they aren't inherently bad. Here are five cash shops we feel, while not perfect, provide the experience for those looking to spend a little extra on their favorite game.

Fallout 76 Removes Dynamic Store Items Temporarily, Introduces Double S.C.O.R.E. Week

If you've been interested in some of the Dynamic Bundles that recently popped up in the Fallout 76 store, you may have to wait a while as support for the game has pulled the bundles while they investigate some issues regarding the shop bundle discounts.