In a very lengthy news post on the Camelot Unchained site, that was also accompanied by an equally length newsletter, information related to art, giants, and patch notes were provided. Links were also provided to a recent livestream.
The most recent community update from Camelot Unchained points to some progress as the game looks like it's starting to take shape.
NPC improvements are the focus this month for the Camelot Unchained team.
Camelot Unchained gave an update looking back on the month of June, and looking ahead with a new 90-day plan.
The most recent posting from Camelot Unchained provides an update on the most recent developments for mid-June.
The latest dev update from the Camelot Unchained team discusses the ever-present hunt for bugs.
Mark Jacobs from the Camelot Unchained team has recapped the current 90-day plan in a recent blog post, while teasing work for the next 90-day plan.
Mark Jacobs penned an update for Camelot Unchained recently in which he assured the community that the team is working hard to deliver on the 90-day plan.
A new Camelot Unchained live stream from Wednesday saw Mark Jacobs discussing the latest progress on the game all the while social distancing.
The latest Camelot Unchained update looks at devout classes and soul essence shards.
The latest update from the Camelot Unchained team discussed devout classes and more.
A new Camelot Unchained dev update outlines several tech improvements.