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32 Results
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Keith Kanneg Recaps 2024, Teases What's Ahead in 2025

Star Wars: The Old Republic gets a year-end letter from Executive Producer Keith Kanneg on 2024 changes and a 2025 tease.

Star Wars: The Old Republic 7.6 is Coming Tomorrow, and Mac Launcher is Getting a Beta Test

Star Wars: The Old Republic's next update, 7.6, is coming tomorrow with some extended downtime. There's also news on the in-development Mac launcher, as a new phase is opening.

SWTOR Will Modernize Locations & Character Models, Add a New Task System and Companion Mounts in a Packed 7.6

Star Wars: The Old Republic's patch 7.6, will visually modernize locations and character models, continue the stry, add a new task system, new cosmetics, a TV tie-in, new boss, and much more.

Ultima Online's New Legacy Server Is Now Live, Though Expect Queues If You Join Up

Ultima Online's new server, New Legacy, is now live, though the developers warn that players should expect queues today as players cram into the new server.

Feast of Prosperity Returns to Star Wars: The Old Republic, With New Rewards, Next Week

Star Wars: The Old Republic will see a return of the Feast of Prosperity event starting next week, and there are a series of brand new rewards to collect.

Ultima Online New Legacy Beta Server Opens Tomorrow As Iconic MMO Celebrates 27 Years

Ultima Online is one of the foundational MMOs that many look back fondly on, and the world that Lord British built is celebrating its 27th anniversary alongside a new beta test for its upcoming New Legacy update.

SWTOR Announces Upcoming Native Mac Launcher, Game Update 7.6 In Executive Producer Letter

In a semi-regular letter from the Executive Producer, he announced the upcoming 7.6 content will start seeing previews more, plus that a native Mac client is on the horizon.

Star Wars: The Old Republic 7.5.1 Adds Galactic Season 7, More Date Night Missions, and Major Gear Progression Overhauls

Star Wars: The Old Republic update 7.5.1 opens Galactic Seasons 7, "The Greatest Bounty", adds new Date Night companion missions, new Cartel Market goodies,  and gearing progression updates.

SWTOR 7.51 Adding New Date Night Missions, Brings Back Dark vs Light Currrency and DvL Bosses

Star Wars: The Old Republic update 7.51, "Desperate Defiance" is on the way, And the team revealed all of the major details in a new stream.

Ultima Online New Legacy Open Beta Weekends Begin This Friday

The Ultima Online: New Legacy beta announcement has received an enthusiastic response, according to the team, revealing the first open beta weekend will start this Friday.

Ultima Online: New Legacy Beta Testing Coming Soon, Applications Open

Broadsword has announced that beta testing for Ultima Online: New Legacy, the not exactly classic shard for Ultima Online, is coming soon. For those who are interested in the beta, there's also a way to sign up for consideration.

Star Wars The Old Republic 7.5, Desperate Defiance, Is Live

Update 7.5 for Star Wars: The Old Republic is now live, bringing the next chapter in the story to follow along with and much more. 

Star Wars: The Old Republic Will Get Items Inspired By The Acolyte TV Series

The Acolyte, the next Star Wars TV show, will be debuting on Disney+ on June 4th and Star Wars: The Old Republic will be getting some new items inspired by the show in tomorrow's 7.5 update.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Opens First 7.5 PTR, Including Basilisk Prototype Venture and New Spring Event

After holding a special live stream yesterday to reveal more about what we can expect in update 7.5, Star Wars: The Old Republic has put the update on the public test server. Well, much of it, anyway.