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Bless Unleashed PC Test Scheduled for September 26, Signups Open

Mark your calendars. September 26 is the date for the first official Bless Unleashed PC test.

Bless Unleashed Headed to PS4 - Closed Beta Begins August 20th

Bless Unleashed is making its way over to the Playstation 4. To get everything ironed out, a closed beta will begin August 20th, at 10AM PDT, and keys are being given away after you register on Bandai Namco's website.

The Salamander Solstice Begins in Bless Unleashed

The Salamander Solstice event has begun in Bless Unleashed, bringing new rewards and more until August 12.

Bless Unleashed Coming to PC in 2021

Bless Unleashed, the free-to-play MMORPG from Bandai Namco exclusive to the Xbox One, is coming to PC in 2021.

Bless Unleashed Review

Bless Unleashed has been out for two months, and after a few review in progress notes, Bradford is finally ready to give a final verdict on the Xbox One Free-to-play exclusive.

Bless Unleashed's Spring Update Features Host of New Content

The Spring Update for Bless Unleashed is here and brings with it a new blessing, abyssal dungeon, and more.

Bless Unleashed Development Roadmap Looks at 2020

Bless Unleashed has shared the roadmap for the rest of 2020. Here's what in store.

Bless Unleashed Review In Progress Part 2

In our second part of our review in progress for Bless Unleashed, Bradford finds himself exploring the story more, dabbling with an alt, as well as taking on the marketplace.

Bless Unleashed Review In Progress - Initial Thoughts On The MMO

Out of the ashes of Bless Online, Bless Unleashed has...unleashed...on Xbox One. How does it stack up in the early hours?

Bless Unleashed AMA Discusses Race-Locked Classes and More

A recent AMA for Bless Unleashed has provided some details surrounding race-locked classes and more.

Bless Online vs Bless Unleashed - It's A Bless Off

Steven takes a look at the recently soft-launched Bless Unleashed on Xbox One, providing a comparison to the now defunct Bless Online.

Bless Unleashed Head Start Happening Now

Bless Unleashed has...well..unleashed on on Xbox One - at least for headstart players. The exclusive MMORPG on Xbox One is available for those who pre-ordered the Ultimate Founder's Edition.

Head Start Event for Bless Unleashed Founder's Packs Begin Tomorrow

The Headstart event begins soon in Bless Unleashed for Founder’s Pack backers.