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Black Desert Patch Brings Nova Skill Changes

The latest patch notes for Black Desert have arrived and include skill changes for Nova.

Black Deserts Popular Nova Class Gets Awakening and Succession Skills

Pearl Abyss has updated Black Desert on PC and Consoles with new events and the release of the Nova's Awakening and Succession skills. PC players can also claim a New Year's Gift with a coupon code by January 20th.

Black Desert Patch Brings New Years Event and More

A new Black Desert patch has brought about the New Years Event and much more. Here are some details.

Black Desert's Maintenance Today Will Bring an End to Several Events

New maintenance today for Black Desert will bring about the conclusion of several events. Here's what you'll need to know.

Black Desert's Pearl Abyss Donations Event for Doctors Without Borders Live Now

Newly minted Western publisher of Black Desert, Peral Abyss, has announced a donation event for Doctors Without Borders.

Pearl Abyss Takes Over Publishing Black Desert in the West

In case you missed it, Black Desert will soon be published in the West by Pearl Abyss instead of Kakao Games.

Black Desert Receives Nova Class December 22

Get ready for December 22 when Pearl Abyss introduces Nova to Black Desert. Here's what you need to know.

Submit Your Black Desert Player Creations in Art Festival, Win Prizes

Are you a Black Desert player and fancy yourself an artist? You can have your creations highlighted in an upcoming stream and win a prize. Here's how.

Grand Desert Expansion Announced for Black Desert Mobile

The Grand Desert Expansion has been announced for Black Desert Mobile, plus news of an anniversary event, and more

MMOSide Chat - Have You Ever Been Burnt Out By A Single MMO, Or The Genre In General?

Bradford takes a look at burn out in MMOs, asking the question: "Have you ever been burnt out by a single MMO, or the genre itself?"

Black Desert Confirms Playability on Xbox Series X and Playstation 5

In a notice posted on the official Black Desert site, Pearl Abyss assuaged fears that new Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 owners would indeed be able to play on the new consoles the day they bring them home. The announcement did, however, seem less confident in the Playstation 5's ability to run the game as it is today.

Black Desert Online Receiving Several New Events

Kakao Games has announced a host of new events for the rest of this month in Black Desert.


The last AAA MMORPG was released in 2014. Nick examines this issue with the MMO genre and reflects on the past, present and future of the genre.

Padix Island Receives a Major Revamp In Latest Black Desert Patch

Black Desert has seen a major revamp for Padix Island in its latest patch. Here are the details.

Shadow Arena Receives Battle Pass

It looks like Shadow Arena has received a battle pass currently underway through September 17.