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17 Results
Throne and Liberty Opens New Battle Pass, Violetta's Star, Startree Solstice Extended

Throne and Liberty is showing off its new Battle Pass, Violetta's Star, previewing rewards and announcing new details.

Amazon Shares Details and Rewards for Throne and Liberty's First Battle Pass, Zenus' Star

Following a big start in the West, details are out on Throne and Liberty's first Battle Pass, Zenus' Star. Rewards include new morphs, new Amitoi, weapon cosmetics, and more.

EA Reverts Apex Legends Battle Pass Changes After Massive Player Pushback

EA seems to have taken the player feedback to heart, as they announced that the Premium Battle Pass in Apex Legends will once again be purchasable with in-game currency. 

Apex Legends Battle Pass Gets Major Overhaul

The developers at EA and Respawn have decided that the Battle Pass within Apex Legends needs to evolve, and some of these changes may not be so favorable. 

Overwatch 2 Heroes Will Unlock Free Without The Need For Battle Pass Purchase

Blizzard has decided to get rid of the paywall necessary to unlock certain Heroes in Overwatch 2 via the Battlepass, which is kind of a big deal.

Diablo Immortal Season 20: Unholy Passengers Leads into Next Update, Adds Battleground Updates

Diablo Immortal is preparing for its next major content update, but before that arrives, here comes the Season 20 Battle Pass and seasonal theme: Unholy Passengers.

After Community Feedback, Jagex Has Permanently Canned the RuneScape Hero Pass

After several weeks of community feedback, promises to revert changes and revamp the system, Jagex will scrap the RuneScape Hero Pass entirely and not rework a new version. 

RuneScape Gives Timeframe on Daily Challenges Return, Adds Special Rewards to Ease the Wait

The RuneSCape team has an update on efforts to restore Daily Challenges and when we might expect them. There's also some new possible daily rewards to ease the transition, two Treasure Hunter updates, and more.

RuneScape is Reverting Much of Its New Hero Pass System After Feedback, With Improved Relaunch in Mind

After launching its Hero Pass battle pass system this week, the RuneScape team is quickly reverting many of the changes to reevaluate the whole system and eventually a likely relaunch.

RuneScape Opens First Battle Pass Season: Hero Pass: Underworld, With New Reward Types, and Changes

This week, RuneScape has launched its first battle pass season. Hero Pass: Underworld features Necromancy and Fort Forthinry-themed missions, rewards, buffs to discover, and new, improved cosmetics.

RuneScape is Adding a Battle Pass System, Called Hero Pass, and Winding Down Yak Track

Hero Pass: Underworld opens in RuneScape on September 4th, marking the game's entry into a Battle Pass system. The devs dive into just why they're making this major change and how they made it right for RuneScape.

TERA Console's Battle Pass: Frostwinter Is Live

TERA Console has received Battle Pass: Frostwinter bringing about the first season with a bunch of rewards. Here are some details.

TERA Console Receives Battle Pass, Starts February 18

The Season One battle pass for TERA Console has been announced and will run from February 18 through June 3.

Every Post-Launch Superhero for Marvel's Avengers Has Their Own Paid Battle Pass

Well, it's been confirmed now that every superhero arriving post-launch for Marvel's Avengers will have their own paid battle pass.

Shadow Arena Receives Battle Pass

It looks like Shadow Arena has received a battle pass currently underway through September 17.