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162 Results
Ashes of Creation's Creative Director Apologizes for 'Unprofessional Commentary' Over New World Payment Model

Creative Director of Ashes of Creation, Steven Sharif, may not be the most outspoken developers in the industry, but recently, his hot take on the upcoming Amazon Game Studios title, New World has made some waves. The Discord message in question hasn't been removed, but has been deemed "unprofessional" from Sharif himself earlier today on Reddit.

Ashes of Creation Asks You About Crafting

The next Dev Discussion is here from the Ashes of Creation team. This time, they want your thoughts on crafting.

Ashes of Creation June Alpha One Test Delayed, Cites Other MMO Launches, More For Delay

Ashes of Creation's upcoming NDA-less Alpha One test was scheduled to take place on June 1st and run the whole month, however in an update Intredpid Studios has announced that the test will be delayed into July.

Ashes of Creation's Steven Sharif Clarifies Content Creator Program Details

Intrepid Studios recently revealed their revamped Content Creator Program to the community. Steven Sharif chimed in on Reddit as well to provide some clarification on the program.

MMOSide Chat: Are You Excited For Any Of The MMOs Expected This Year?

As Bradford looked around the MMO landscape this month, multiple alpha and betas dot the weeks. Zenith, Swords of Legends Online, Elyon, Bless Unleashed PC, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis - There is a lot on the horizon. However, Bradford wonders: is anyone really excited for the new games expected this year?

Ashes of Creation's Combat Revamp Won't Complete Until After Alpha One

Ashes of Creation's (AoC) creative director, Steven Sharif, took to Reddit today to answer some questions about the combat revamp that was originally slated for a March Alpha One Preview Test. The revamp is meant to make combat more fluid, although Sharif indicates that the final form of combat may still change as AoC's development continues.

Ashes of Creation Dev Live Stream Today at 2p ET

Here's a quick PSA: the newest Ashes of Creation live stream is scheduled for later today at 11a PDT / 2p EDT. You can expect to catch the latest development updates from the community team in addition to the usual Q&A.

Next Ashes of Creation Dev Live Stream Scheduled for Friday, April 30

The folks over at Intrepid Studios have announced the date for their next Ashes of Community development update live stream. As expected, the team are accepting questions from the community for the usual Q&A segment.

Ashes of Creation Asks How You Measure Success as a Guild

How do you measure guild success? This is the question the Ashes of Creation team is posing to the community in their latest Guild Gathering series.

Ashes of Creation Creative Director's Letter Gives Update on Progress Towards Alpha One

There's a new letter out from Ashes of Creation Creative Director, Steven Sharif. In it, he discusses the new update to the studio, in addition to the road towards the upcoming Alpha One playtest.

Ashes of Creation Live Stream Confirms 7-8 Dungeons in Development for Alpha One

In the latest live stream for Ashes of Creation, developers Intrepid Studios revealed that they are planning around 7-8 dungeons ready for Alpha One, in addition to more information.

Ashes of Creation Live Stream Today with Q&A

A new development update live stream for Ashes of Creation is set to take place later today. Here are the details.

Ashes of Creation is Hiring Again

It looks like Intrepid Studios, the team behind upcoming MMORPG Ashes of Creation, is hiring again.

Ashes of Creation Alpha One Test Delayed to June 1

Ashes of Creation's Alpha One has been delayed out of April with a new start date of June 1. Here are the details.

Ashes of Creation Dev Discussion Wants Your Thoughts on Hybrid Combat

Intrepid Studios is hosting another Ashes of Creation dev discussion. And this one is all about hybrid combat.