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Ashes of Creation Clarifies End of Preorders Does Not Signal Start of Alpha 2

Recently Ashes of Creation has notified their players that they will no longer offer preorders after the September Pre-Order packs. That doesn't necessarily mean Alpha 2 is on the way.

Ashes of Creation Shows Updated Cleric, Highwaymen Hills Location, and Dynamic Systems in Verra

The Ashes of Creation team held another end of the month development update stream. This time, there's an in-depth update of the Cleric archetype and the Highwaymen Hills area.

Ashes of Creation Shows Off Freeholds in Latest Video Preview

If you  missed the Ashes of Creation livestream last week, then you'll definitely want to catch up with the recently released video walkthrough of their Freehold system from the Alpha Two update.

MMO Vet Bill Trost Leaves Amazon Games, Joins Intrepid Studios as Lead Designer on Ashes of Creation

Bill Trost, one of the original designers on EverQuest, who has spent his career on a number of MMOs, most recently at Amazon Games, has been named the new Lead Designer on Ashes of Creation.

Ashes of Creation Updates on Alpha and Shows Off Massive Cyclops World Boss Fight

 Ashes of Creation held its latest development stream this week, and it featured development updates and a special preview of Alpha Two's Cyclops boss fight.

Ashes of Creation Previews Tower of Carphin and Story Arc System That Adapts to the World

The Ashes of Creation team previewed its dynamic Story Arc system to change content based on player activity in the world, and gave the first in-depth look at the Tower of Carphin.

The Kickstarter MMO is Dead | OGR

Are Kickstarter MMORPGs a thing of the past? In this week's One Good Roll Steven concludes that crowdfunding is dead.

Ashes of Creation's Lastest Developer Update Dives Deep Into UI, and Teases Tower of Carphin Dungeon

The Ashes of Creation team's latest development update stream covered some new ground, including UI development process and progress made. There was also an update on character art and a preview of Tower of Carphin, an upcoming lore-rich planned dungeon location.

Ashes of Creation Previews the Tank Archetype for Alpha Two in Latest Dev Video

This past week, Ashes of Creation's Creative Director Steven Sharif uploaded a hefty video of more than 45 minutes of gameplay. AoC fans should definitely check this out!

10 Best Indie MMOs To Play In 2023 And Beyond

With new AAA MMORPGs failing to meet players' expectations and older MMOs slowly riding off into the sunset, what's an MMO fanatic to do? Turn to the innovation and uniqueness that only indie developers are willing to take a chance on. Here are 10 of the best indie MMOs you can play in 2023, and a few we're hoping to see come this year and beyond.

Seven Of Our Most Anticipated MMORPGs Coming In 2023 (We Hope)

2022 wasn't the year of the MMORPG. Not even close. So as we look ahead to 2023, Mitch lays out seven of our most anticipated MMORPGs that (we hope) are coming out next year.

Ashes of Creation End Of Year Stream Reflects On 2022, Introduces New Devs And New Studio

Ashes of Creation's latest stream is a special one, as the team at Intrepid took a look back on 2022, as well as introduced many of the new faces brought into work on the upcoming MMORPG.

Alpha 2 Spot Tests, Plans for Servers and Sieges, and More Addressed in Ashes of Creation AMA

Creative Director Steven Sharif answered the community's most upvoted questions in a new Ashes of Creation AMA. He addresses Alpha 2, development goals, testing, server plans to keep things active, wieges, healing, and much more.

Is There Still a Market for 'Oldschool' MMORPGs? | One Good Roll

Over the past several years, we've seen a monumental shift from in-depth, large-scale player gameplay, to a shallower shared world. Are the days of the old school MMORPG completely over? Don't count it out just yet.

Ashes of Creation Shows off Updated 1,200km World Map and New Forest Biome Headed to Alpha 2

Intrepid Studios' latest Ashes of Creation stream has revealed a look at expanding biomes, and plans for more, including a much larger map headed into the planned second alpha.