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Crowfall Will Go Offline and Head Back into Development, as the Team Rethinks the MMO

After several changes, Crowfall will be taken offline this month and re-enter active development for a future relaunch. The team is "rethinking" what that relaunch will look like.

Crowfall New Dregs Campaign Begins, Kicking off Shorter New Options

A new Dregs experience is live in Crowfall. The no import/no export campaign is a 2-week accelerated campaign style, with only the items you craft and harvest inside.

3 Months After Acquisition - How is Crowfall Doing?

Earlier this week, Crowfall's new development studio Monumental posted some information about a new Dregs experience headed down the pipe. It has been clear that Crowfall has been fighting an uphill battle for a while now, but under Monumental, the fans expected to see some growth. With a new Dregs campaign announced last week, lets take a quick look back at what Crowfall has been up to since the acquisition.

Crowfall Founder Gives Insight into Sale in Latest Blog Post

Yesterday we reported that Crowfall has been purchased by independent game studio Monumental, which developed the game Mythgard. ArtCraft plans to move on to other projects, and it will no longer be associated with the development of Crowfall, but that didn't stop the founder, J. Todd Coleman from giving a little bit of history on the project, and what lead to the sale to Monumental.

Crowfall's Update 7.300 Will Add Smaller-Scale PvP Options, and a Fast Track New Player Experience

Crowfall's latest founder's update is out and in it, Executive Producer Garden Walton shares a look at update 7.300, which has been in the works for the past two months. This will tweak PvP, add options to the New Player Experience, and adds improvements to maps and rewards.

After Delay, Crowfalls 7.200.0 Update Goes Live, Kicks Off Month Long Dregs Gatinyja Campaign

ArtCraft Entertainment originally planned to release the latest update for Crowfall, 7.200.0, on Monday October 4th, but due to delays related to 'technical hurdles' and bugs, the update was rolled out on October 7th. The delay also pushed back their latest campaign, which went live October 8th.

Crowfall's Founder's Update Talks Launch DDoS Attacks, Future Plans For MMO

Crowfall launched last week and while most MMO launches don't got all that smoothly, it wasn't made easier thanks to ArtCraft dealing with DDoS attacks on its servers during launch day. The team behind the Throne War MMO took to their dev blog to share their first major communication update since the launch, talking about the issues as well as plans for the future.

Crowfall Review-In-Progress

ArtCraft Entertainment's Crowfall launched back on July 6th, bringing the PvP-centric, throne war MMO to center stage. But how does it stack up thus far with about a week's worth of gameplay under our belts? Matt takes you through in his review-in-progress.

Crowfall Has Predictable Launch Day Issues, Suffers DDoS Attacks On Servers

Crowfall launched yesterday, and while the MMO seemed mostly stable early on, as the floodgates opened more and more the predictable launch day issues started to trickle in for the Kickstarted MMO. Additionally it seems that some of the issues could be related to what Crowfall's Creative Director reported as DDoS attacks hitting the servers during the day.