Gordon Walton takes us through 2021, including what the team at Artcraft added, delivered on, and accomplished in an eventful year for Crowfall
Crowfall launched in July, bringing the long awaited throne war PvP MMO to the market. However, since launch its felt like it's been hard for the PvP MMO to keep pace with the other releases this year. Well, ArtCraft Entertainment is hoping its latest update, as well as its new free trial model will help draw in players who have been interested in seeing what its all about, but hesitant to drop in.
In his latest Founders' Update, Crowfall Executive Producer Gordon Walton confirmed the recent report of layoffs on the team, while also detailing what's in the works for the game.
Over the weekend, there were reports coming in that ArtCraft has laid off some of the Crowfall team. While there hasn't been an official announcement, Val Massey, who spent five years in community management for Crowfall, tweeted "Gutted and gobsmacked to hear about the @ArtCraftEnt layoffs today. " The number of affected team members is unknown.
In an update on the Crowfall website, ArtCraft co-founder Gordon Walton addressed fans in the latest Founder's Update. This update itself focuses on the recently released 3-faction PvP mode, The Shadow, as well as controversy which sprang up as the last Dregs campaign came to a close.
Crowfall has started its post-launch push with their first content drop since the PVP MMO hit PCs fully last month. Called "The Shadow," this 3-faction PvP mode is geared to getting players into the main draw of Crowfall - PvP - without the need of a guild to get them there.
ArtCraft Entertainment's Crowfall launched back on July 6th, bringing the PvP-centric, throne war MMO to center stage. But how does it stack up thus far with about a week's worth of gameplay under our belts? Matt takes you through in his review-in-progress.
Crowfall launched officially earlier this week, and while the server instability and DDoS attacks seem to behind them, one issue that is cropping up in the community is that of player count.
Bradford was finally able to get some Crowfall behind him, and first impressions aren't all that rosy. While the game itself looks good with an interesting art style, the combat is feeling somewhat lacking for Bradford, and he thinks he has a good idea why.
With so many games attempting to innovate their respective genres, the MMORPG has been in need of some serious love and attention in recent years. Thankfully we've moved past the age of every new title needing to be the next "WOW killer", and have instead progressed to a time where MMO's are more interested in creating something new rather than the same thing but "better." Matt took a look at Crowfall in the most recent beta test.
Crowfall is coming in July, and ArtCraft Entertainment announced today their monetization prices ahead of the launch, with special mention of the VIP package as well as base game price.
In MMORPG's, the destination is often not as important as the journey, and in Crowfall, the recent announcement of their July release doesn't signal the end of that journey for ArtCraft entertainment, but the beginning.
Crowfall, the highly anticipated PvP MMO is finally releasing, coming next month on July 6th. The upcoming MMO celebrated the announcement with an all-new animatic video about the first story in Crowfall: Eternal Heroes, Dying Worlds.
In the latest Crowfall developer Q&A, the ArtCraft Entertainment team outlines what released in the latest test build. They also go over some feature's players may not have noticed and expressed appreciation to the those who have spent their time putting in bug reports.
In a response to a twitter follower, Crowfall developer ArtCraft wants to reassure players that they are planning to deliver some substantial content, with many features still to come. They state they are working hard on their next update, which plans to release sometime next week.