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The Lord Of The Rings Online's First Legendary Server, Anor, Shuts Down Today

The Lord of the Rings Online is saying goodbye to its first Legendary Server. Anor, which launched as a way for players to re-experience the progression of LotRO throughout the years, is shutting down, and players with characters on the server can transfer to a different server through the end of the year.

The Lord Of The Rings Online Have Opened Up Free Transfers Off Of Legndary Anor Server

The first of the legendary servers, Anor, is closing at the end of the month and players are able to start the process of moving their legendary characters off the server onto new homes.

LotRO's Legendary Server Anor Getting A Level Cap Increase Tomorrow

The Lord of the Rings Online's legendary progression server Anor is getting a level cap increase with tomorrow's patch, according to Standing Stone Games. The cap increase covers the Mordor expansion as well as the Legacy of the Necromancer quest pack on the progression server, putting it one step closer to being on content parity with the rest of the game servers.

The Lord of the Rings Online Opens Character Transfers From Anor To Non-Legendary Severs

Earlier this week, Lord of the Rings Online players learned that the legendary server, Ithil, would be coming to a close. One interesting bit of info from the closure was that characters on the legendary server could be transfered to any server, not just the other legendary one, Anor. It seems players liked that idea and Standing Stone Games agrees, as it has just now opened transfers off Anor too.