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Albion Online Season 11 Crystal League Championship Starting March 6

Season 11 Crystal League Championship has been announced to take place in Albion Online for March 6.

Bye-Bye Life is Feudal and Hello More Genshin Impact Resin in This Week's Quick 5

If you have 5 minutes, we have 5 articles that might interest you. Find out what happened over the past week, in 5 minutes or less.

Albion Online Implements More Than 1200 Bans Due to Third-Party Currency Transactions

Sandbox Interactive has been hard at work brandishing their Banhammer in Albion Online by banning over 1200 accounts that have participated in some type of third-party currency transaction.

Albion Online Patch Brings Updates to Corrupted Dungeons and More

A new Albion Online patch - Rise of Avalon Patch 12 - is now out and brings several changes to Corrupted Dungeons.

Albion Online Faction Warfare Playtest Scheduled for January 16

A new playtest is scheduled for Albion Online on January 16. This one is all about Faction Warfare.

Do You Need A Healthy MMO Economy To Enjoy A Game?

One of the issues that Bradford has with many MMOs, especially older ones, is the economy. Money in those games doesn't seem to matter as much as it should. It's a part of these games that drives down the quality of the experience. However, for some, it might not be a huge deal. How do you feel about MMO economies and how they relate to your enjoyment?

Frost Challenge Returns to Albion Online

The Frost Challenge has returned to Albion Online for your chance at new loot.

Albion Online Looks Back on 2020

The Albion Online team looked back on their 2020 in a recent post as they looked at the various content and feature releases for the MMO.

Albion Online's Rise of Avalon Patch 11 Brings Combat Balance Changes and More

Rise of Avalon Patch 11 is here for Albion Online bringing new vanity skins, combat balance changes, and more.

Albion Online Guild Season 11 Starts Today

Guild Season 11 starts in Albion Online today. Here's what you need to know.

Albion Devs Talk Season 11 Changes - Overhauls and Balancing Galore

Albion Online has released a video that outlines, in great detail, the changes coming in Season 11 which includes a complete overhaul to the World Boss Raid Zones and introduces the 20v20 Crystal League. That isn't all that players can look forward to in Season 11 either, as combat balancing is also on the agenda.

Albion Online's Crystal League Has Crowned Its Winners

Albion Online's Crystal League Tournament took place over this past weekend, and we now have winners.

Albion Online Reminds Us of Multi Account Rules

The Albion Online team provided us a reminder on the rules for multiple user accounts. Here's the deal.

Albion Online Patch Brings Update to Corrupted Dungeon Mobs

A new Albion Online patch has brought some changes to Corrupted Dungeon mobs in addition to some combat balance changes.

Top 5 MMORPG Tanking Experiences

From FFXIV to Wildstar, tanking is a thankless job. Keeping enemies pinned often goes overlooked when heaping praise on the DPS or the healer after a battle. However, were celebrating the top 5 tanking experiences in MMOs for all those tanks out there that don't get the praise they deserve.