Albion Online hosted an AMA last week, and some of the information to come out of the event might call for a raised eyebrow or two.
The recent mobile launch of Albion Online have done much to drive the player count sky high. Just how many players are playing the RPG now? Well, a lot.
The Knight Challenge returns to Albion Online and will run all month long, giving you ample time to win some sweet rewards and climb that challenge ladder.
Albion Online's mobile version is releasing worldwide on June 9th, coming to both Google Play and the Apple App Store. The date was revealed in a recent Dev Talk, which also shows a closer glimpse at the mobile version.
Albion Online's Call to Arms update released back in March and brought about several new features. This latest patch, patch 5/6, continues to improve the content by brining combat rebalancing, updates to Hellgates, and more.
Albion Online's Call to Arms patch has received a balance pass, bringing improvements to the Hellgate content, as well as balancing combat within the MMO.
The Morgana Challenge has returned in Albion Online. Participating in this event will give you a chance for some pretty neat rewards. Here's how you can unlock these items.
If you've been waiting and wondering about the formal mobile launch of Albion Online, wonder no longer. Albion Online is set to officially launch on iOS and Android this summer. Pre-registration is open now.
Albion Online's recently released hellgates as part of last month's Call to Arms update has been a source of some ire for some in the community. Sandbox Interactive has taken the feedback from players surrounding the feature and with today's patch is addressing some of the issues, including accessibility of the feature.
The Albion Online team have identified some issues with their Hunter Challenge event. Fortunately, a hotfix is due to be deployed today to correct these issues. The hotfix should be deployed during maintenance, and here's what you can expect.
Albion Online's second patch for their Call to Arms update is now live. And, if you're the type who enjoys collecting mounts, this one might interest you. There's a tame moose mouse available as part of this latest update.
The team behind Albion Online published some recent numbers as part of their population report for Spring 2021.
The Rites of Spring event is underway in Albion Online giving you the chance at earning some event rewards by hunting down eggs.
Albion Online's Call to Arms update may have only released yesterday, but it's not without some issues.
Albion Online has been hyping their Call to Arms update over the past several weeks, and today, the wait is over. The Call to Arms update will introduce a reworked Faction Warfare System, a new playable faction, and much more.