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5 Mobile MMORPGs Actually Worth Playing | The Short List

Mobile App Stores are saturated with so many MMORPG's these days that it's hard to find those that stand out, to others that are just clones of one another. Here's a short list of 5 Mobile MMORPGs that are actually worth your time.

Crystal Spiders Are Now Spawning in the World With Albion Online's Newest Balance Update

Albion Online got some changes via the latest post-Lands Awakened update, and this one continues tweaking the new features to improve the overall balance. 

Grab Territory in Albion Online This Weekend, or Try to Defeat Uncle Frost for Yule Rewards

Albion Online is celebrating Yule, with Uncle Frost returning. This weekend, however, land resets will happen and Invasion Day will commence.

Latest Update to Albion Online Rebalances War Gloves for Viability, Adds Guild Invite Spam Protection

 The latest update for Albion Online is the first major patch after the Lands Awakened update and makes some changes to headquarters, balance for War Gloves and combat, UI improvements, and more.

Go Inside the Quality of Life Changes in Albion Online's Lands Awakened Update

The latest devtalk for Albion Online features UI Designer Moritz Bokelmann on some of the quality of life changes that also came with the recent Lands Awakened update.

Albion Online Yuletide Returns, With the Snow Husky Mount, Avatar Ring, and Festive Rewards

 It's December, and that means events and challenges across many an MMORPG. This time, Albion Online is marking this month with the winter return of the Yuletide Challenge. Collect points for some rewards and loot to celebrate.

All New Season 14 Starts in Albion Online, With Lands Awakened Music on Streaming

Albion Online gets its new structure for season 14's opening, while the new Lands Awakened soundtrack debuts on streaming platforms.

Sponsored Albion Online Launches Massive 'Lands Awakened' Content Update (SPONSORED)

The Lands Awakened update marks a new era for Albion, with improved and updated biomes, new open-world gameplay objectives, a new weapon line, big changes to guild seasons, and much more.

Albion Online Lands Awakened Out Tomorrow, Devs Warn to Remove All Open World Items

When tomorrow's Albion Online update, Lands Awakened , goes live, many of the game's open-world zones will change drastically, so there's a warning to store any items you have in the world before the maintenance begins

New War Gloves and Elite Specializations Highlight Albion Online Devtalk

This week, Albion Online gets its huge Lands Awakened update, and a new dev talk covers two new features in the update: War Gloves, and Elite Levels.

Albion Online Devs Detail Power Cores and Their Impact on Hideout Headquarters

Albion Online is building more of an open world with Lands Awakening, and the latest dev talk shows off a new PvP option, Power Cores you can capture, and how these relate to Hideout HQs.

Albion Online Wants You to Get Out and Explore, So the Guild Seasons are Changing

Albion Online is overhauling its guild seasons in line with the new Lands Awakened update that will encourage exploration in the open world.

Albion Online Previews Its Upcoming Lands Awakened Update, Coming November 24th

Lands Awakened is slated to hit Albion Online this November 24th, and the team took to the game's website to break down what players can expect from the open-world sandbox MMO.

Grim Challenge Returns to Albion Online All Month Long

Albion Online's Grim Challenge is back all month long giving you plenty of time to unlock seasonal furniture, an avatar ring, and a pest lizard.

Albion Online's New Soundtrack is Coming to Make the World Feel More Alive

With the evolution of Albion Online taking place and Lands Awakened arriving next month, the Albion Online team uses this week's new devtalk to explore the music of Albion. New music is coming to affect the flavor of the game too