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MMOSide Chat: What Are Some MMO Activities You Do To 'Unwind?'

Let's face it: Life is hard. Sometimes we need that place we all can just relax and unwind from real life. Some of us find that piece of zen in books, art, or music. However, gaming has often been touted by many as a way to simply unplug from the stress of real life an unwind for a bit.

Valorant Patch 2.05 Aims At Tackling AFK Behavior

Patch 2.05 for Riot's tactical shooter Valorant is out today and continues to tackle better AFK detection.

Riot Tackles Valorant AFK Behavior Detection and Penalties

If you've ever experienced an AFK teammate in Valorant, you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, it looks like Riot is finally addressing this.

Riot Discusses How They'll Handle AFK/Throwers in Valorant

Riot has released a new Ask Valorant featuring the community's questions on blocking, AFKers, and more.