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Feedback Friday

Keith Cross Posted:
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The latest Feedback Friday feature on the Tabula Rasa community site looks at player suggestions, Deployment 13, and 12 month veteran rewards.

"Hi, an idea for the footlocker; How about structuring it like the backpack with separate tabs for schematics, armor etc. I would also love to see a "stack" button which stack similar objects, both in backpack and in lockers."

We are working on the tabbed footlocker request for D13. We'd also like the stack feature, but pending some design issues, and lots of feedback regarding lack of space, we thought we would start off with tabbed footlockers and address a stacking feature at a later time.

"I realize that this service is not currently offered, but here's a suggestion for your consideration. The ability to move you character(s) to a different server. What happened to me, and I'm sure is not uncommon... I downloaded the trial, started playing and now want to subscribe. I found out, however, all my friends are playing on a different server. Would be great if I could transfer my character(s) to another server. It would be reasonable if you charged a fee to do this. The fee would keep people from doing this on a whim, while allowing people who seriously want to get together with friends from having to start over from scratch. I think people would pay for that convenience."

This is something we are finally getting a chance to work on. While it is being developed during the Deployment 13 cycle, it most likely won't be ready to use until a build or two after. We'll make sure to keep you up to date on the status of this project.

Read more here.


Keith Cross