
Dark or Light

Quesh, the Toxic Treasure

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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Quesh is the latest planet to be profiled on the official Star Wars: The Old Republic site. Called 'the toxic treasure', Quesh is a constant battleground between the Republic and the Empire. At stake are powerful adrenals that both sides crave for the wealth they can bring.

If the Republic could find a way to process the delicate chemicals, it would provide a major source of new income at a critical time in the war effort. Ultimately though, Republic engineers were unable to master the techniques to synthesize the adrenals. They were forced to seek help from some unlikely allies– the Hutts. Three families from the Hutt Cartel were quietly convinced to step around their neutrality treaty with the Empire in return for a cut of adrenal profits that not even a Hutt could refuse. The Cartel, so long as they received their share, looked the other way.

Read more here.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom