Star Wars: The Old Republic Articles

BioWare has released a new update for SWTOR, 6.1.3, which has a number of new rewards, including some ranked PvP sets, some steam achievements, and a double XP event. The double XP event will be available until October 13th, and give players double the xp, valor and renown.

Information for September's SWTOR events are available now, with the Rakghoul Resurgence event starting today.

It's been over two months since Falko returned to one of his old MMO flames, Star Wars: The Old Republic. In this fourth installment, Falko takes a look at the familiarity of the questing in a galaxy far, far away.

Falko continues his journey through Star Wars: The Old Republic. This week, he takes a look at the essence of Star Wars.

August events for Star Wars: The Old Republic have been outlined, running through September 1. Here are the details.

Two weeks ago, after completing my first Star Wars: The Old Republic column, I was a bit anxious about its next instalment. But just like that and out of the blue, they released the game on Steam.

Special launchers, slow updates, a Jedi craves not these things. Luckily for fans of Star Wars: The Old Republic you can now download and manage your current Star Wars MMO on Steam! With the addition of SWTOR on Steam, players will be able to make use of many of Steam's community features and even earn trading cards.

Join Falko in his first entry in our new Star Wars: The Old Republic column - A Journey Through Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The Rakghoul Resurgence event is currently underway in Star Wars: The Old Republic until July 21.

Star Wars The Old Republic will receive the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally event on June 24 alongside update 6.1.2. Here's what you need to know.

Ranked Season 12 PvP rewards have been shared for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Here's how they look.

Star Wars: The Old Republic has shared some information on what's in store for May.

Star Wars The Old Republic announced earlier that the Double XP event has been extended.

The latest Star Wars: The Old Republic patch notes bring changes to Personal Conquests.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a few SWTOR updates will see their release dates pushed back.